Fics: One of laughter, one of anguish & La nuit, tous les chats sont gris

Jan 07, 2012 00:51

TITLE: One of laughter, one of anguish
CHARACTERS: Altlivia/AltLincoln. Redverse.
SUMMARY: Lincoln gets to babysit Henry, and then discovers that Charlie from the Blueverse was killed by the Redverse.
A/N: Basically an expansion of a drabble set that I did for sweet_anise.

(It’s not nice to make your commanding officer wait at the door.)

TITLE: La nuit, tous les chats sont gris
CHARACTERS: Walternate, Walter. Red/Blueverse.
SUMMARY: Walternate reflects on the fallout from Broyles' death, while simultaneously Walter reflects on a similar situation.
A/N: I wanted to explore more of what might be Walternate's driving outlook, and how he would justify some of the actions he's done.

(Do not avert your eyes from death, Phillip.)

Crossposted to fringefiction and lincoln_olivia, respectively.

alt!phillip broyles, fan fiction, lincoln lee, walternate, altlivia dunham, alt!charlie francis

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