Mar 14, 2004 14:15
well, it only took me 2 min. to find a survay, soo... here we go!!
[ x ] first name: Ruth But you can call me Rubie
[ x ] middle name: michelle
[ x ] last name: do you really think im that dumb?
[ x ] nickname(s): Rubie, rub rub, maureen (marcia)
[ x ] gender: Female
[ x ] age: 15
[ x ] birthday: October 20
[ x ] height: 5'6 ish
[ x ] hair color: brown with some reddish tints in it
[ x ] eye color: brown
[ x ] race: white
[ x ] do you wear glasses or contacts: oh yeah! its all bout the contacts
[ x ] do you have braces: No hahah! i got them off 3 weeks ago.. score!
[ x ] is your hair long or short: middle length.. i likr it
[ x ] where were you born: illinois
[ x ] current location: physically: illinois, mentally : NY or Cali...
[ x ] zodiac sign: Libra
[ x ] how many languages do you know: um, 2... American and English ::there is a difference::
[ x ] nationality: american
[ x ] bad habits: too many to list...
[ x ] piercings you have: one in each ear... is that 2? oh, and my belly button...
[ x ] piercings you want: tounge, but thats not gonna happen
[ x ] tattoos you have: None
[ x ] tattoos you want: on my lower back, on my ankle: a black cat, and on the bottem of my foot: a list of my ex boyfriends... hehehe
[ x ] today's date: 3/14/04.. happy Pi day ::3.14.. haha::
[ x ] the time: 2:27 pm
[ x ] ready for a bunch more questions: bring it on biatch!!!
: favorites :
[ x ] number: 13, or 7
[ x ] clothing brands:anything thats comfortable
[ x ] shoes: Vans, and my black, high-top converse all-stars!
[ x ] tv show:That 70s show, simpsons, ER...
[ x ] sport: watching skateboarding, and blading... little wake and snow boarding.. im not big into sports... probably cause i suck...
[ x ] vegetable: eww, veggies are gross! eccept when theyre in that yummy chinese sause,... yum
[ x ] fruit: well... i like strawberries, and bananas, and kewi! yum...
[ x ] movie: Rocky Horror, Bill and Ted's ::both:: Waynes World ::both:: Bio-Dome... i have too many others...
[ x ] magazine: all the little teeny-bopper mags..
[ x ] actor: ohhh!! Jonney Depp! yum!! and Tim Curry...
[ x ] actress: gotta give props to... oh shit... whats her name?
[ x ] candy: so cookies count?.. lol, starburst, and butterfingers! Jr. Mints,,, yum
[ x ] mints: gum... does that count? and carabo coffee mints
[ x ] scent: clinique simply, love that stuff
[ x ] candy bar: didnt i already answer that?
[ x ] ice cream flavor: mint choc. chip
[ x ] color: black, red, silver, white....
[ x ] season: summer and fall
[ x ] holiday: halloween, new years, my birthday...
[ x ] band: SUPER DELUXE!! Gomez, Rockwell Church, Grateful Dead, and all other classic rock bands...
[ x ] rapper: does Mraz count? he raps a little... and props to Big Max and Jeff F.
[ x ] type of music: every and anything!
[ x ] thing in your room: umm.... theres not much in there right now, were redecorating...
[ x ] place to be: New York City baby! riding around on the bicycle chariots...
[ x ] radio station: i dont do the radio thing...
[ x ] TV channel: mtv, fox, and spike tv... (it has good shows!)
[ x ] junk food: chocolate, cookies and potato chips..
[ x ] store: Pac Sun, hot topic, wal-mart, and koles
[ x ] shoe brand: again? didnt i answer this? Converse all stars.. high tops only! and my vans =D
[ x ] fast food: Wendy's, KFC, and micky Ds
[ x ] restaurant: walker bros...
[ x ] shape: star
[ x ] time of day: Night, and evening... that nice time between 6 and midnight
[ x ] country: USA and the UK
[ x ] state: Cali, or NY, Il can rot...
[ x ] mall: Woodfield or Hawthorn
[ x ] video game: Super Mario Brothers on the Super Nintendo
[ x ] board game: Clue, or twister xp
[ x ] music video: all mraz videos... but i dont "do" the music video thing, really....
[ x ] swear word: fruit-berry.... and uberfuck
[ x ] month: June, and October
[ x ] scary movie: ummm The Mothmen prophises.. does Donnie Darko count as scary... that bunny frank is scary...
[ x ] team: eh, all IL teams suck...
: what's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear :
[ x ] eminem: sami... miss you babe!
[ x ] dog: Hoku!
[ x ] hot: Justin, justin justin justin justin.. no, im not obsessing, what are you talking aboot?
[ x ] orange: the space program
[ x ] choice: abortion...
[ x ] bisexual: i must not say his name...
[ x ] black: erin (no offence!) or nail polish
[ x ] insane clown posse: erin, and that guy at 6 flags with 6 differnt colors in his mohawk...
[ x ] linkin park: wicked cool band
[ x ] jack: ass
[ x ] rainbow: matt... jkjkjk... fagidelic baby, yeah!
[ x ] cherry: sundaes.. yum
[ x ] cucumber: pickle before jail
[ x ] shark: hammer
[ x ] whip: "stcks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me"~JC
[ x ] america: oh canada!
: this or that :
[ x ] rock or rap: rock
[ x ] rock or pop: rock
[ x ] rock or r&b: rock
[ x ] rock or metal: rock
[ x ] rap or pop: pop.. well, depends on the rap.. some is okay...
[ x ] rap or r&b: R&B
[ x ] rap or metal: metal
[ x ] pop or r&b: R&B
[ x ] pop or metal: no preferance
[ x ] r&b or metal: r&b
[ x ] linkin park or limp bizkit: limp bizket
[ x ] tool or korn: korn
[ x ] selena or jennifer lopez: selena
[ x ] hot or cold: red hot, baby!
[ x ] winter or summer: summer
[ x ] spring or fall: fall
[ x ] shakira or britney: cough ::skanky whores:: cough cough
[ x ] icp or eminem: cant decide, its like picking between Sami and Erin, oh wait.. it is!
[ x ] marilyn manson or rob zombie: zombie
[ x ] kittie or garbage: garbage
[ x ] mtv or vh1: both!
[ x ] buffy or angel: Angel
[ x ] dawson's creek or gilmore girls: cough ::waste of air time:: cough cough
[ x ] football or basketball: football sucks, Bears suck more
[ x ] summer olympics or winter olympics: summer olympics
[ x ] skiing or snowboarding: snowboarding
[ x ] rollerblading or skateboarding: i suck at both, booting is cool to watch, so is boarding
[ x ] black or white: Black
[ x ] orange or red: red
[ x ] yellow or green: green
[ x ] purple or pink: purple
[ x ] slipknot or mudvayne: slipknot
[ x ] hot topic or pac sun: pac sun
[ x ] inside or outside: outside
[ x ] weed or alcohol: eh, alcohol... guess, i dont really do either...
[ x ] cell phone or pager: cell phone
[ x ] pen or pencil: pen, pencils are for the weak, they jinx you into messing up
[ x ] powerpuff girls or charlie's angels: good morning angels...
[ x ] scooby doo or dino: SCOOBY DOOBIE DOO!
[ x ] dragon ball z or pokemon: DBZ, those guys are built!
[ x ] star wars or star trek: :: a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...::
[ x ] tattoos or piercings: im all about the piercings, but tattoos are wicked too
[ x ] prep or punk: stereotypes suck..
[ x ] slut or whore: cough ::jacque:: cough cough
:private life:
[ x ] do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: no =(
[ x ] do you have a crush: yes
[ x ] do you love anyone right now: yes... ::sigh::
[ x ] have you ever been in love: yes, twice
[ x ] how many people have you kissed: lets see... hmm ::counts on fingers:: dunno...
[ x ] who was your first kiss: ummm... Danny.. sigh...
[ x ] how many hearts of have you broken: not too many, i hope... 2 that i know of...
[ x ] how many people broke your heart: counting my self, 3
[ x ] do you have a picture of yourself: yeah, and do i look good ;D
[ x ] do you go by looks or personality: both.. come on hott and awesome what more could a girl want
[ x ] ever kiss a friend: yeah, bad idea
[ x ] are you still friends: FO SHO
[ x ] so moving along..Do you smoke: um, no
[ x ] do you smoke weed: no
[ x ] ever trip on acid: no
[ x ] how about a little x: noo
[ x ] crack, heroin, anything else: no
[ x ] beer good or beer bad: um, beer... well... beer bad
[ x ] are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers?: nooo!!! i dont do the alcohol thing
[ x ] do you like smirnoff ice: yummy...
[ x ] prefer beer or liquor: neither, i dont do alcohol
[ x ] what kind of cigarettes do you smoke: dont smoke
[ x ] are you a virgin: yes
[ x ] if no, when was the last time you got some: er...yeah...
::just so yall know, im not "sXe" or anything, im just not into that right now::
: your friends :
[ x ] best friend: Bex, matt, irina, syd, evan...
[ x ] known longest:Evan and Sydney
[ x ] wish you talked to more: Sami, and Irina
[ x ] how many friends do you think you have: too many lol
[ x ] who drives you insane after a while: I love them all too much.. we have to much fun to be driven insane
[ x ] who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: Ev and Bex
[ x ] ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': no, well, evan for a little, but then we were cool, but now were not.. but maybe we are? its complicated..
[ x ] can always make you laugh: bex, Matt, Evan
[ x ] best personality: all of them!
[ x ] biggest drug user: no comment on that one...
:have you ever:
[ x ] flashed someone: yeah ;)
[ x ] told the person you liked how you felt: yes, and ill do it again!
[ x ] been to Michigan: yup, with my family.
[ x ] gotten really REALLY wasted: nope!
[ x ] gone to jail or juvi: hell no!
[ x ] skateboarded: i did, then i screwed up my knee, now i cant/dont, but i watch! and tape :D
[ x ] skinny dipped: yeah! its so fun, i recomemed it!
[ x ] stolen anything: no :) well, cash from my bro.. but that its...
[ x ] broken bones: i broke my arm, and riped a ligament in my knee
[ x ] kicked someone's ass: verbally, mentally, and phislcally
[ x ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: yeah... irina, in our snow fight in matts backyard... :D
[ x ] broke a beer bottle: i blew one up... does that count?
[ x ] gotten into a bar, under-aged: No
[ x ] kissed someone of the same sex: not in that way
[ x ] flipped someone off: what do you think i am? of course i have!!
[ x ] gone on a road trip: no, not yet, but im planning it!
[ x ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: no :( i want to though
[ x ] been to a concert: yup, MRAZ!
[ x ] been to another country: no
[ x ] talked back to an adult: oh yeah!
[ x ] got pulled over: no
[ x ] got in a car accident: yup... when i was little.... bitch totalled our car... damn her...
[ x ] broke a law: youd like to know that, huh?
[ x ] given money to a homeless person: yeah, in D.C. the guy had this big rubber spider he dropped on people who didnt... it was funny!
[ x ] tried to kill yourself: naw... not worth it...
[ x ] cried to get out of trouble: HELL YEAH! best excuse ever!
[ x ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: umm... i dont think he was her brother... hehe nope, i havnt
[ x ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: ummm.... nope, cant say that i have...
[ x ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyway: yeah.. in home ec.. i gave it to the teacher... hehehe
: the last :
[ x ] thing you ate: ummm... potato chips
[ x ] thing you drank: pone of those IBC root beers, yum
[ x ] thing you wore: i just got out of the shower, now im in scrubs and a beater
[ x ] place you went: to my room
[ x ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: belly button.. back in January..
[ x ] person you saw: my sister...
[ x ] person you kissed: um.. cant remember, i think thats sayigng something, no?
[ x ] person you fucked: um, virgin. hello?
[ x ] person you talked to: My sister ::what shouldi wear tomarrow::
[ x ] song you heard: La Vie Boheme from Rent
: now :
[ x ] what are you eating: nothing
[ x ] what are you drinking: IBC Root Beer
[ x ] what are you wearing: my scrubs and a beater
[ x ] any shoes on:
[ x ] hair: up in a pony tail...
[ x ] listening to: Rent
[ x ] talking to anyone: nope
[ x ] are you pissed I made this so long: ive had worse..
: yes or no :
[ x ] are you a vegetarian: no
[ x ] do you like cows: yes
[ x ] are you a bitch: yes
[ x ] are you artistic: id say that
[ x ] do you write poetry: sometimes.. its not very good...
[ x ] are you a fast runner: kinda
[ x ] can you ski: yup, water and snow
[ x ] are you british: wish i was
[ x ] do you want to spear britney: hell yeah... like how goldberg spears people.... knock em down and they wont get up for weeks! lol
[ x ] do the voices talk to you: yes all the time.. they say that you should shut up...
[ x ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: yes.... i used to do that all the time.. hell, i still do... its fun...
[ x ] would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: let me think.. um... no
[ x ] do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland': common! the slug thing is sitting on a mushroom, getting high in the movie!! it is the trippiest movie ever!!!
[ x ] are you straight: yes
[ x ] are you stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: I have my "blonde" moments...
[ x ] are you fat: no
[ x ] are you skinny: yeah, but i like my body, it works for me
[ x ] are you short: naw
[ x ] are you tall: kinda... tallER
[ x ] do you own a hot pink shirt: yeah i love it!!
[ x ] how about orange pants: no, i should get some, though
[ x ] can you see the flying monkeys: all the time they carried my brother away last night...
[ x ] are you evil: sometimes.. hehehe }=D
[ x ] did you ever know someone who had a mullet: yeah.. jonah almost has one, and this chick from school...
[ x ] is britney a whore: dont get me started on Britney...
[ x ] are you a teenage zombie: only on weekdays
[ x ] am I annoying you: yeah....
[ x ] do you like marilyn manson: eh... kinda
[ x ] are you secretly from another planet: noo, of course not... hehehe... ::looks side to side...::
[ x ] do you shop at hot topic: yeah, sometimes...
: random questions :
[ x ] if you could be any animal, what would you be: a pigion, id shit on yoyur car...
[ x ] do you remember any of your dreams: yeah they are so cool!!
[ x ] do you dream in color or black and white: both, kinda like the wizerd of oz...
[ x ] do you admit when you need help with a problem: most of the time...
[ x ] can people read you like a book: some people can...
[ x ] what's your biggest fear: shit falling on me...
[ x ] do you talk a lot: sometimes, it depends who im with, im a big listener though...
[ x ] are you afraid of clowns: no
[ x ] do you like spiders: i like them cause they eat mesquetos.. i hate those... no, spiders are cool
[ x ] how about grape kool-aid: that shits trippy man...
[ x ] can you drive: not leagaly
[ x ] are you spoiled: yeah...
[ x ] are you anti-social: sometimes
[ x ] do you see dumb people: yeah all the time
[ x ] do you see dead people: they dont even know theyre dead....
[ x ] any last words: "id like to thank the acadamy for the lifetime acevement award i will eventually get" ~the last words of Donald O'Conner
[ x ] now that this is over, what are you going to do: get dressed cause i gotta go to my bros bball game, argh...
okay, well, if anyone is still around after that... thanks for listening!!!
i really must go, now... i shall see you later!!
To being an Us for once instead of a them
la vie boheme..