My eyes play tricks on me.

Dec 25, 2010 12:50

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! Hope you all are having a lovely weekend.

Last night I ended up going to Christmas Mass. I haven't been to Church in 3 years, last night was my first night back. The Church actually has been in renovation for a long time now - pity my Aunt never got to see the result, though I bet she wouldn't like it. The ceiling looks more like a theatre's architecture. Missing parts of the ceiling for lighting and whatnot. It's very modern but still looks appropriate for Church. It's alright, I suppose. Couldn't really take it all in from where we sat further up.

After dinner I took the kids (including my niece Tori and the other Victoria my sister has been taking care of - long story) downtown to see Christmas lights. Unfortunately, they didn't put more up so it was pretty dull and it takes 15 minutes to get out there. So it wasn't the best trip, but luckily my mom called to say "Someone stopped by the house!" so I didn't have the opportunity to go to random neighborhoods and have them be failures, too. lol BUT!!! Luckily, right as we turn onto the main street, just as I was thinking "Please let there be a plane that looks like Santa's sleigh." there was one!! I pointed it out and Trevor, being 7 yrs old and therefore more sharp, said, "That's just a plane." I said, "Nu uh, check out all those row of lights. Planes don't have that many lights. There's a light between each set of reindeer!" And he FLIPPED OUT, as did the other kids. :) They were freaking out the entire ride home, and even joined in on the chorus of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You". Adorable.

I ended up getting $50 from Angel and $40 from Jennifer, and my mom got a Borders gift card from Joe, the boss of their department, which she gave to me because she doesn't read/buy books. So I'll use the gift card and some of the other money to get Sondheim's Finishing the Hat, and then I'll use some of the rest of the money to get Sondheim! The Birthday Celebration on blu-ray. Then I'll probably get Parks and Recreation s2. Though, maybe I should wait for a sale? Might have to wait a while but I'd rather save what I can. Or maybe I'll get Simon Pegg's book.... I don't know.

 So excited for Doctor Who's Christmas episode!!!!!! Christmas, Michael Gambon, and a shark? SOUNDS PRETTY FREAKIN' AWESOME. Kind of confusing and strange but AWESOME.

Finally, I'm planning on making a year-end post. It's going to be bare compared to most people's year end posts. It'll just be one post that'll include the 15 or so things I obsessed over most this year; Broadway, video games, television, etc. See you then! :)
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