Mar 28, 2011 16:36
[If you're in Goldenrod, you might notice Johan just... wandering around aimlessly. He's trying to keep up a happy face, but the loss of his best friend and the thoughts that loss has stirred up have put him in a really downer of a mood. At least Kaito and Kay running off has given him some time to think, but even so, he can't shake the feeling like he's been "bad".
Eventually he flicks on the PokeGear and, putting on a bright and happy smile, waves to everyone and gives them a greeting.]
Looks like everything here in Goldenrod is okay so far! I know everyone's worried, but so far so good. I'm not planning on going anywhere until I'm sure, but if anyone out there is worried, rest assured there are a lot of people here keeping an eye on things.
[he flashes the victory sign to the screen!! LOOK HOW CONFIDENT HE IS! ... After a few moments, he hits a few buttons - he's trying to filter this from a certain traveling party, but being Johan, he... doesn't. Woops.] Okay, now that that's done--
Hey, everyone? Do you ever think of what you left behind? Especially if you've been here a long time.
[he forces a laugh, waving an arm dismissively to the screen.]
I mean, I know a lot of us are really used to life here now, and it's not so bad! But what about out families? Our jobs? Even if time doesn't pass back home - and I'm not entirely sure it doesn't - do you miss them sometimes?
[another laugh, then he shakes his head.]
If you didn't before, you might now, hehehe... Sorry about that!
family matters,
goldenrod city