Mar 11, 2006 22:23
If I had a more exiting life this would be getting updated more often. Basically all I do these days is work and sleep... if I'm not working I've managed to have grouse times with friends I haven't seen in months; a few coffees, a few vodkas, lengthy discussions regarding fanny rot, extensively compare my recent life to songs by the Veronicas, consider bringing back Mary Kay for a few months, hate on pyscho ex-girlfriends, buy some more stuff to take away with me, listen repeatedly to the Darkness because they remind me of my bfffzzzz, and convince Lex to spend probably too much money. If I'm not out i'm in my pajamas like the shitkicker I am at heart and I'm asleep during or right after Letterman at night which is a very big change for me. Pop music and reality tv like the Biggest Loser and the Amazing Race have become my solace and have unfortunately replaced seeing my closest friends on a regular basis due to their own work and uni schedules. So to anyone that hasn't seen or heard from me in awhile if it means anything I'm sorry and I miss youusssse.
I definitely leave on the 5th of June (not sure exactly when I'm coming home yet) and the saving is going average considering I keep coming up with more things I want to take with me. I think I'm going to have to buy an ipod or something similar so if anyone wants to give me advice on what to buy (or just 300 bucks) it would be appreciated! I also need a memory card and charger for my camera, and I want new paul frank pj's, the paul frank camo backpack, and more summer clothes. It's for these reasons I've agreed to take on a heap of extra shifts at work, basically holding all the training sessions for our front-end upgrade (this sentence will make sense only to Melinda) which is about 40 extra hours over the next fortnight. What time's living at Slaveway coming back?
My parents are away for the next 2 weeks so if anyone wants to come and stop me from talking only to my cat or dancing around the house by myself please do so. No internet stalkers please. I'll hardly ever be home though so I guess there really is no God. I do have saturday night off next week so I can be social for once and go to the Full Scale show at the corner, so if you're going I guess I will see you there. Hoorah.
It's also nice to watch Geelong in a semi-final and it not end in tears and remotes being thrown. Everyfink da best.