2000 Hits Celebration Picture (Seychelles)

Aug 20, 2009 12:30

This article is translated from the Blog I update infos the most.

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This time it is just a mess, who cares? Anyway, this is just a celebration pic!
What the bloody hell! My shouder hurts!!!
And the writting background seemed to be stupid?!!
Thanks for supporting this website everyone! And now it is over 2000 hints! Please keep giving advises in the future!(*salutes)

First Glimpse!
Computer in Himmy's House!!!

Accually it is just aNote Book!

And now everyone can see how lazy I am...(about colouring)

Next, I found THIS on Himmy's shelf!

※Please ignore Chick.

It's Hibado!!!( キタ━━━(≧д≦)━━━!!
But Chick is much more adourable!

Thanks to Himmy for let me using her computer!

Last but not least, please choose a option, Himmy. Do you want to have British dishes from the Hell or British Dishes form the Heaven....?(hand out your drafts!!)

aph fanart seychelles

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