The story of our move...

Apr 07, 2004 21:16


I had just gotten out of first grade, when we started going with some nice old lady
named Sylvia to look for a new house. We saw a whole bunch of houses. Red house, blue
house, one house, two house, big house, small house, in-between house. The one that I
liked best was a small green house, the one with the kitten that Mom was allergic to.
Finally, we (actually, it was more of my parents decision than mine) decided on a nice tan
and brown house. How quaint. We moved in a few weeks later, (well, really it could have
been half a year, I can't remember) with all of our stuff in just two U-Hauls. Neatly boxed,
neatly packed, that is the way my mother does things, neatly I mean. We arrived and
managed to put every single box needed A.S.A.P., like the one with my blanky in it,
upstairs, and the rest wherever there was room. I don't remember if I slept in a bed or a
sleeping bag that night, I can't remember, and it really doesn't matter to me. And that is
how I came to live where I live now, and go to the school that I do now, and have the
friends that I do now. If we hadn't moved, none of that would be like it is. (Here I go
again, stating the obvious, yet once more.)
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