Dec 02, 2003 21:09
you painted the walls in the colors you wanted them to be and the world is peeling now beneath your finger tips as you type to make teh pain release, your left again in darkness that binds you to what makes you live but your living is becomeone a oposite that realy all the same as what you think you need, your up your down your up again but only to fall one more time, your willing to screem and do whatever you can but theres nothing to do but wait on the hopes that have no way of letting you go, the hopes that are binding you, killing you, holding you to your fears are now what makes you wonder what your meant to realy be, the optimisim seems so fake your cold and no longer green, youd rather smash the world into mettle than watch it liquify into a perfect melody, music doesnt sound as sweet and the things you loved no longer exist like they used to, what can you do, is there somethign to do, are you dreaming again, your left windering the streets that are paved in razors adn shes cutting lines into her face that make her older adn more worn, tearing pices of heer choldhood away, wishing for time to pass quicker. but it never does, the clocks never listen, the heart never cares, but the spirit fights for its freedom it will never recive, its trapt and its caputured you with it to dwell on all the things you know you did wrong, can you start over, restart a new, remend what youve doen. have you destroyd the beautiful that was left in your life, destroyd the magic and replacedit with pain, you once thought of yourself as a healer, that could touch the cold adn make it warm again, but youve destoryd your discovery and made the worst of it all. are you realy real? or just teh figment that no one needs anymore, have you pushd it all to far away, is there somethign left that your to scared to take, where to go, who to see, what to say, tomorows just anotehr day, we'll see