Nov 08, 2005 10:37
board board board. for some unexplainable reason, i discoverd my glass palet to be broken into tons of tinny pices yesterday when i went to finish my life painting home work. shurely the painting gods have it out for me !!! so due to the fact i have absolutely no concept of time, i got up earlier than was necesary to buy a palet and remix wha i needed for class. so here i am with a whole 2 hours to kill ! whooooohoooo~!.?., and more unnesesary punctuation ??!!..;:;:,,..! k im finnishd with that.
i cant wait to come home, i miss rj tons.
the screen savers in the computer lab here keep making me zone out. they are all water like.
so yesterday i saw the rules of atraction for the first time, it as very depressing, i did not like it.
Ian Somerhalder is hot, i wish john lock hadnt gotten him killd.
hmmmmmm 1 hour 15 mins mins till class now.
i dnt want to go to math class tonight. math is no fun, even if its easy because when it comes to math, they treat art students like special needs kids.
::taps heels:: theres no place like home, ::taps heals:: theres no place like home.
(insert more pointless ramble here)
i look like i have leprocy cause i have so many mosquito bites on my arms, fuck you and your humidity savannah. the weather here makes no since, it was so hot yesterday , like tank top and shorts wheather, but i was still hot and sweaty from painting outside, i thought it was november. wtf wheatehr man.
so i think everyones ready to kill themselves nearing the end of this quarter. all strechd to thin, im actualy really thankful that i wont have a painting class nxt quarter lol, im prob going to kill over soon from all the chemicals ive absorbd cause i like the wya it looks when i have paint on my arms and hands, so when it gets there i dnt wash it off like i shhould. :-/
i just found a mosquito bite on my foot :-(
hmmm 1 hour till class now, and 1 hour more of typing whatever pops into my head.
yay marys 9:00 class got out early and shes going to come play with me in the computer lab
so im going to go play somehwere else on teh interweb other than livejournal
FAREWELL sory im so add