Thanks So Much . . .

Oct 21, 2008 23:47 my anonymous gifter. Who doesn't love a bit of the sweet stuff?

It really made my day.

And, just for fun, since I had a day today which I would classify as "mildly depressing" on the job front, a number of jobs for which I am not, apparently, qualified:

1) Bikini dancer (I think this is like a stripper, only with more clothes, idk)
2) Banking market researcher
3) Marina maintenance
4) Video-game focus-group participant
5) Diaphragm tester

Versus the jobs for which I appear to be dubiously in the running:

1) Egg donor
2) Pet/House sitter
3) Elementary school cafeteria worker
4) Peet's barista
5) Christian pre-school teacher
6) Bead-store clerk

I'm so very glad that I went to college.

No, seriously, I've got a couple real interviews coming up, and I'm waiting to hear back from a freelance job whose potential lucrative payoff (about a third of my old salary for 90 days of work) sort of balances out the potential pain-in-the-ass commute (slightly under two hours, but I'd only have to be in the office for one or two days a week). But I continue to be astonished at the number of things I am wholly unqualified to do.

Also, my favorite job posting of the day was for the gluten-free vegan bakery in the Land of Oak which specified that only candidates "with good hygiene" would be considered. Um, I guess it's good to know that they care, but it's worrying to think that it's got to be spelled out, I must say.

Anyhoodle, since I am nattering on about nothing, can I say that I really liked last night's T:SCC, as well as last night's Chuck? And I'm so glad that Eli Stone is back. It's such a fun show. And tonight I had my own little mini-Dawson's Creek reunion, with new, improver, hotter Josh Jackson on Fringe followed by Katie Holmes on Eli Stone. You could hardly tell that she's been replaced by robot at all. :)

And, in conclusion, a question. If you were a hot college indie dj who really knew your shit, what sort of eclectic things would you be playing on your show? (Speaking of music,, stop paying attention when I am listening to embarrassing things on my iTunes! The world does not need to know that I have listened to Patrick Stump's cover of Love Lockdown five times in three days. For serious.)

requests, rl, tv, rambling, jobhunting, lamesauce

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