i make it rain..

Jun 28, 2007 19:34

You are feeling exhausted, worn out, drained. You feel that far too much is being asked of you but you still want to overcome these difficulties and establish yourself despite the effect such an effort seems to have on you. You are a proud person, assertive most of the time, but at this particular moment you are acting as if you have become resigned to the situation. What you need is some tender loving care - a gentle pat on the head (or maybe a 'kick-up-the backside') and then you'll be raring to go.

Being a somewhat gentle, emotional and sensitive person, you are at this time experiencing a considerable amount of tension. What you really need is someone who can be close to you and to listen to what you have to say.

At this time you are feeling 'uptight' and you are urgently in need of rest and relaxation; but perhaps even more than that you need to overcome that feeling that you have been 'hard done by' and treated with a complete lack of consideration. Maybe you have, but whatever may have been the cause of your inherent anxiety, you regard the situation as intolerable. Your are, however, sufficiently competent to turn that situation around - you have overcome similar problems in the past, and really this one isn't too different.

You are a fighter and always on the defensive. You always need to be sure that your position is safe and established. When you finally make a decision you will pursue it to the bitter end in spite of all opposition.

The situation at this time is one of considerable distress. You feel trapped and you are looking for some way out. You can find solace in the arms of someone who cares so long as there is no long-term emotional involvement.

For some time now your hopes and expectations have been denied and because of this you are becoming withdrawn and introverted. Continual disappointment has manifested itself in you becoming both suspicious and restrained you have become withdrawn from others and have receded more and more into yourself. You seem to have lost your innate enthusiasm and imaginative nature, for fear that you may be carried away by it only to find that you are wasting your time. You are loath to trust people, as in the past your trust has been misplaced. You seem to be keeping yourself cautiously aloof from others. At this moment in time your attitude is to trust nobody - until they can prove themselves to you.

Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations have been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety so therefore 'why bother?' You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh.

wow...that was amazing.it knows me and that`s the truth...

anyways--my life has been pretty good lately..

yesterday i went to work,met Nancy and she`s real sweet,then i got off and went to mandas..so we got ready an we went to lynn road park and chilled with dave dj blake kath and evan for a lil.thenn yeah things went down and it was realllllllllllll nice :] then me and manda drove to sketch ass mother fuckin newburn avenue where 3 kids got shot and died..now that was hella scary..but we listened to fantasy by ludacris like the whole way..i`d forgotten how much i love that song...she`s absolutely amazin..i know that when we go to college we`re still gonna be the exact same kinda friends we are now..i`ve never ever had a friend like her in my life.ever.so anyways we met up with cole&mike&jus chilled..then later on we went to durant road nature park and we went skinny dippin.that was fun.it was HELLA cold tho yo.like forreal.so we got back hoem about 430 an i went to talk to nick for a lil&jus catch up and gramma straight up had a cow yo.like i ain`t even playin..i mean we were forreal JUS talkin..haha it was funny tho..but i peaced out about 500 and brian called me this mornin at 945 an woke me up so i`m mad tired.but then me manda nick jr et an andrew all went down to the pool for a lil today.that was nice.catie&kp stopped by.i love them :]thenn nick went to work,me an manda walked home and fought with gramma an i came home about 4.now i`m gonna go upstairs an start on my AP readin journal :] but umm i`m proud of myself for actually sorda keepin up with this..
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