today was pretty interseting. Frirst, at lunch, Kira was being all mad and junk and wouldnt talk to anybody. I don't know if it was because I was at the other side of the table and talking to Libby, but I always nice to people and she of all people knows it. Then, at academic seminar, I accidentaly didn;t notice she was in there, so I sat on the other side of the room somewhere around Dan (ofcourse). So, when I asked the teacher if I could get my math book it went,
"Why didn't you get it during lunch?" - teacher
"I don't know" - me
"because she is stupid" - said Kira in a low mumble mean voice
I then ran out of the classroom because Kira sounded very mad and I get scared of mad people. Later at the end of the day I could feel the tension. So, I asked Kira why she was mad. She said," nothing im not amd im not mad." then starts balistacaly crying. Danielle then makes me and Julia go away. From there, I learned that Danielle before had told Kira why she was mad at her, and then Kira wasn't mad at all. I don't know all I found out was that Kira was mad becuase she felt like she had no friends. Which of course she does. It all ended goof though when I talked to her on the way home, walknig makes everything good, as well as cookies and ice cream.
Brief Summary of NightSpot: Everything was fun. I got to know Libby better, Kira was with Tom, Jane wasn't there, the list goes on. Ali was being all slutty with Nicki but that always happens so it wasn't to suprising. I was gonig slightly crazy, because its me. Libby seemed to be wenjoying herslef for the most part, and though that Ali is a little cute like me. Danielle was definitly having a blast toward the end when they started palying old songs. She danced with me and Ali and even did a little head bainging thingy. Nicki was all depressed because of the whole angelo thing (me and Julia's ex-boyfriend as well) but I don't think that it;s just that. I think it has soemthing to do with her parents getting divorced, and she needs to have some way to show the pain. When my parents were gettinf a divorce I cried my heart out, but it does tke a lot for me to cry, and I don't do it very often because apparently I don't show my emotions, or have any. ANYWAYS, it was defiantly an all over good night, but I still find it funny that a hott DJ there actually used to be in love with Brittney Brady, and even write a song about her ....
whenxixamxqueen and
ivroy_x_ashes will probably post about today too. :D