Nima Yuki: THE PM

Dec 13, 2010 15:38

So it you don’t know; which you most likely don't.  I always leave polite reviews on the fanfics I spork in hopes of helping the people improve. I guess I’m being naïve, but if I am going to spork the person I might as well let them know what I think; politely of course. I mean otherwise I feel like I’m just bitching. It’s just not right for me to spork and not leave one of my patent 100% honest, 100% polite reviews. (Heck, once someone requested one! Sadly I didn’t know the series so I couldn’t.)

So I did so with Nima Yuki: Told her what I thought in a review, as myself. I won’t hide behind and anonymous review she’ll delete in five minutes.

Before I start this is written in her profile.

Unfortunately, my computer is a piece of crud (and i'm not all too bright /Mikey: I can tell/) my previous account with over 70 stories is gone... yay. however i have not told any of my subscribers about this new one. i am starting over fresh and thats that. my hope is that i can win them all back on my own. :P

Ignoring how her computer being crud could erase her account on She claims to have written 70 stories.

Anyway the little bitch sent me a PM in which she ‘disagreed’ with me. A condescending little PM about how much she appreciated my honest review… before she blocked me so I could send another and gave me a variant of don’t like, don’t read.

Honey, thanks for making it personal! I’m gonna sprk her PM because I have a birthday coming up and need a break for her smut (sorry I’m taking so long with that). By the way My birthday is December 15th.

NOTE: A reminder not to flame the author or send her this spork, she may be a brat - but we’re better than that… kind of. Plus fangirls are scary...


Hello. I honestly really appreciate your honest review.

Now allow me to express this by blocking you so you can’t give me another one.

I think you gave me a lot to think about,

Not that I WILL, but thanks for the thoughts.

and a lot to work with.

I told you you could be a good writer if you choose better subject matters, stopped being so damn repetitive, and cute the character derailment. That’s not something to work with, that is what you HAVE to do! Otherwise you’re not writing a real fanfic.

However, I really must suggest, next time you are so blunt to a writer,

I am a writer and if you checked my profile you’d know I request people leave the same kind of blunt but polite reviews I gave you.

perhaps pm that kind of review?

So you can block me before I blemish your sea of praise?

Though I am used to it,

A sea of praise? I noticed…

and by no means discourage that kind of self expression,

Um- isn’t that what your doing?

I would suggest, for the sake of a newer author, to maybe pm it to them instead?

No. You see I believe people should be left with a mark of their mistakes so they can better themselves as writer. Also you said you had over 70 stories honey!

I don't mean to sound rude,

So it’s a natural condition for you? Also that's what I said to you copy cat!

but I have been in that place where getting that kind of review can shatter a new author

But I thought you weren’t new? I guess your stories aren’t the only place where you go back and forth.

and make them...well, reluctant to write again when that is open for all of their followers to see.

If you don’t praise me I won’t write! [sheds a single tear]

I understand all of the flaws in my story,

No- no you don’t. This PM and the block that followed it proves that you don’t!

and although I do not fully agree with your opinions, I'm glad you were able to pick out these flaws.

They aren’t opinions! You derailed England, Stockholm Syndrome isn’t what you think it is, you’re repetitive, derailing a rival love interest is a writing cop-out, rape is rarely handled well in fanfics, and your also apparently a bitch.

A fact is there even if you deny it; which you don’t, then you do. Trust me she’s a Yoyo!

I was originally going to stop writing this when I reached the third chapter,

No you didn’t, you said so yourself! From now on I’m callin’ you Yoyo Yuki!

realizing just how it didn't make much sense. I however do intend to fix my problems with this story after it is completed,

Correct? Your story relies on character derailment! This isn’t annoying typos or spelling errors! You’d have to start the story over from scratch write a completely different story to fix the errors!

to give it a bit more accuracy, though it wouldn't have that much to begin with.

See- she’s a freakin’ Yoyo

By no means was England a terrible, or abusive guardian to America, and anyone who has watched Hetalia could see that,

So you didn’t see the show? Honestly I hate these kinds of people.

”It’s okay, I know they don’t act this way in canon.” How does that justify derailing them?

however, I wanted to try my hand at this kind of writing, because someone had actually requested something dark from me, a request I very rarely get.

One, all your stories are dark. Two you can write a dark story without derailing characters. I would have told you that if you hadn’t BLOCKED ME!

Again, I do very much appreciate all of the feedback you have given me,

Stop lying Yoyo Yuki; I hate liars.

since is it honestly, the only /honest/ feedback I have gotten thus far.

Which is why you hate me. Honesty is so annoying and it should be blocked. Can’t you just say I’m flaming you instead? This passive aggressive crap pisses me off.

I prefer reviews from experienced writers, rather than the fangirls who usually tend to take a liking to my stories.

As long as your fan girls are the only people who’s opinions matter. Plus you saying “don’t put your review where my fangirls can see it” kinda goes against that.

If I had to go back, I honestly wouldn't have continued this story, but when I sent out a message about terminating it, I got an overwhelming amount of requests to keep it going, so I did.

Sure, by the same fans you act condescending about. I even said you can write whatever you want and it’s quite apparent you want to write this so why are you making excuses!? Don't blame them when you're the problem!

I must however suggest that if you find a story is terrible, you don't continue reading through chapter eight...?

I read it because it’s a train wreak and someone has to save as many passengers as possible. I also read it because I like Hetalia and the way you’ve slaughtered the characters draws me like a moth to a flame.

And once more, I really do appreciate your review,

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary!

and will think about all the things you have told me.

Yoyo Yoko strikes again!

But once more, please, please be careful not to crush a young starting author with such harsh reviews,

Tell me how pretty and wonderful I am or you’ll hurt me!

You know what; I will continue writing my reviews as I always do, because real writers; the good one, accept criticism as long as it has a basis in reality.
Younger and newer writer; which you aren’t, need to learn that not everyone is going to tell them their fic is wonderful. I know I hate single lined "this is good" reviews even when I get them! The faster they learn this the sooner they can improve and the less likely they will become like you.

and instead pm these kinds of blunt thoughts?

So no one sees this awful blemish on my record!

I apologize for the lengthy response,

I don’t need you fake apologies. Also the only reason it’s even as big as it is because you made sure to repeat everything three times and honestly it‘s not that long.

I tend to write much more long winded when I'm tired. Thank you again.

That wasn‘t long winded, although it was repetitive. I guess everything you write is like that though.


Well that‘s that; one long passive aggressive rant about how she liked my review even though I am totally not right - except I am - except I’m not. Followed by blocking me so I can‘t respond or; dare I think of, review one of her others!

I‘ve finished the next two chapters sporks but I feel there is something I‘m missing so I‘m just gonna keep rereading them. I'll have them soon, but you know how the holiday season can be! If I don't get a chance - Happy Holidays everyone!

stockholm, bad fanfiction, sporking with mikey, axis powers hetalia, overlord mikey's ego? (table of content), sporking, suethor: nima yuki

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