OOC: Crit and permissons

Oct 31, 2008 21:39

Crit goes here. Also, here's his permissions.

Age: 1313
Height: shooooort
Weight: almost nothing, he's such a twig
Medical Info: Nothing really to note
Eyes: red
Hair: purple/blue-ish
Physical traits: He has a pair of tiiiiiiny wings on his back, but they're usually hidden by his cape-scarf thing
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: It's not a good idea to mention love around him, but you're free to do it if you'll accept the consequences.
Abilities: He is a demon, and once he gets his powers back he'll be at about level 1000 (levels cap at 9999 in Disgaea). He has some fire abilities, which usually means he's burning or blowing things up, and he can punch with the fury of a thousand suns. He's also pretty handy with a sword, too. What does this mean? HE IS REALY FREAKING POWERFUL! Also, since he's a demon, he hardly ages at all and he can take more hits before falling down.
Notes for the Psychics: There's a lot of raeg in his body, and he's more than a little psycho. And he's got an ego the size of a small country, too.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Sure! Just ask OOCly first.
Maim/Murder/Death: Oh definitely. |Db I approve of maiming and killing him. But be warned, he maims and kills back.
Other notes: He is very weak to women with sexy bodies. If one is around, he won't be able to fight very well. He also gets angry very easily, so be careful.

crit, permissions, ooc, stats

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