Sat, 17:54: RT @ magencubed: At some point we will need to grapple with the reality that the internet has conditioned a generation of LGBT people to ren…
Sat, 18:05: RT @ Blaq_Unicorn: I had a moment of self doubt about whether I can be a superhero with mental illness, then I remembered Batman.
Sat, 18:07: RT @ amano_keitakun: can we all collectively agree that tumblr banning porn actively ruined everything for everybody?
Sun, 08:17: RT @ lizcourserants: Thread about the meaning of and history behind the word fujoshi. This thread was originally written and posted by Ouy…
Sun, 08:19: RT @ threehoses: when people describe edelgard as morally grey theyre framing 100% moral goodness as not provoking violence, and not challen…
Sun, 08:19: RT @ scaryfemme: "alexander hamilton was complicit in american slavery" and "hamilton the musical is a once in a lifetime piece of art very…
Sun, 08:22: RT @ wornsword: someday we have talk about the absolutely immense overlap of transphobia and fatphobia and how much less seriously fat trans…
Sun, 08:24: RT @ GFYFandom: Please don’t ignore the blatant transphobia happening in the anti community. I know there’s a huge push against their misogy…
Sun, 08:27: RT @ HoneyXrisp: My neice has the cutest theory behind animal crossing and I need to share it. She thinks we are all playing children and…