Lengthy (and quite personal) meme ganked from simim23 and nefaz

May 17, 2010 22:46

What is your middle name?:
Elizabeth Nevada (legal)

Do you believe in God?:

Favorite curse word?:
Either 'Fuck' or a string on incoherent syllables.

What are the last 4 digits in your cell phone number?:
I forget

What was the last thing you ate?:
A burito

Last person you hugged?:
Uh... mom? Maybe?

How many cards do you have in your wallet/purse?:
Like 3. ID, gamestop card, something else

First thing you notice about the opposite sex?:
Uh...Hmm....Their voice, probably

Favorite type of food?:

Kiss with your eyes open or closed?:

What color is your hair?:
body brown, me blue/black

Do you wear glasses/contacts?:
glasses. Fuck yes.

Favorite holiday?:
Thanksgiving. All the food, none of the xmas family nonsense.

Favorite season?:
late fall/early winter

Have you ever cried over a lost love?:
Not really.

Last movie you watched?:
Iron Man 2

Have you ever stolen anything?:

Do you have any piercings?:

Do you have any tattoos?:

Favorite movie?:
Labyrinth, Phantom of The Opera,

Favorite college football team?:

What were you doing before filling this out?:
playing wajas, browsing Lostpedia

How much money do you have in your pocket right now?:
None. Pajama pants

Favorite drink?:
Pepsi with rum

What kind of car do you drive?:
we don't

What was your first car?:

Do you speed?:
I would if I could.

Sing in the shower?:
Not usually

What is your worst habit?:
Abandoning projects

Who would you like to see right now?:
Right this moment, nobody.

What color are your bedroom walls?:
greenish blue

Have you ever fired a gun?:

Do you like to travel by plane?:
never done it

Right-handed or left-handed?:

First job?:

Favorite flower?:

How big is your bed?:
twin long

Have you ever run over an animal?:
no car

What's something you say too much?:

What is the wall paper on your cell phone?:

What's your ringtone?:
Uh, some horrible buzzing noise

Ever been in a car accident?:
only very minor ones

3 things you can't live without?:
food (haha, but no, really)
the internet
people stupider than me

Have you ever fallen down the stairs?:
maybe like once when I was really little.

What are you afraid of?:

Have you ever been in jail?:

Do you have brothers and sisters?:
a brother

What is your father's middle name?:

What do you sleep in?:
the nude

Stuck on a deserted island and can only bring one thing?
a boat

Favorite tv commercial?:

First thing you'll save in a fire?:
Uh... me. My ebook reader, I guess.

Favorite color?:

What are the things you always bring with you?:
pencils, keys, inhaler, wallet, cell phone

What did you want to be when you were a kid?:
an evil wizard, or a fighter pilot

What do you usually do when the alarm turns on?:
leap out of bed and smack it

Name the brand of shoes you are wearing?:
I have no idea. They're black.

How many pets do you have and what are their names?:
Personally? None. My parents have greyhounds named Moose and Squirrel

What is the first thing you think about in the morning?:
Aw fuck

meme, mordax, me me me

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