So, in the past month or so I have been getting a flood of trolling, and not very nice posts over
at my deviantart account due to the so-called
“Sarah Saga” posts that have been making their rounds of the internet- I’ll address that properly in my next post.
Anyway, my deviantart and a long, old rant is one of the first results on google for otakukin. So, every time a load of schmucks get curious, they get sent over my way.
This past barrage of trolls has been incredibly frustrating. Its what led me to privatize my old LJ posts (Julian later made them just friends only). I was sick and tired of dealing with people who
a) thought I was stupid
b) thought I was insane
and c) weren’t going to change their opinions no matter what I said to them.
Not only that, but they refused to deal with me as a person, treating me rather as a target upon which to focus their (ahem) skepticism of my beliefs, and those who share them.
Not only that, but they’re never content to go look at my website, even when I point it out, which leads to me, whenever someone manages to ask a polite question that I feel obligated to answer, reiterating once again the answer to a question I’ve been asked over nine effing thousand times.
Here are some of the trolls, and my responses to them: This is largely in part to the so-called
Mokumokuren says:
And what if someone else comes up and says he/she was the Digimon Kaiser? Also I think you're bat shit insane.
Insane-Serini asks….
Question: How are you the reincarnation of a fictional character? That isn't possible.
I get that one like a zillion times. Where do you even effing start with that? Obviously the person hasn’t even made an attempt at figuring out what I believe before approaching me with this question.
I respond…
You could just read my website [link]
The short answer is they're not fictional, they're real people who exist in alternate worlds.
To which he says
Generally, most theories that have to do with alternate worlds state that they are parallel to ours, which means that the alternate worlds do not intersect with ours. Even considering that the creator of an anime/manga/etc, etc... cannot create an alternate world. For it to exist, many people must believe in it, not as just fiction, but as an actual world. Most people who are fans of Digimon will say that it does not exist as anything other than an anime, toys, games, etc...
Most psychologists would consider your belief a delusion purely because your belief is not something you were raised with and it is not a tenet of science or religion. There is no basis in fact or established religious/philosophical ideology that can back up your claim that have the spirit of a fictional character in you. Not even Hinduism can save you, honey.
Occasionally I get, as I said, a polite question I feel honor bound to answer, even if it is repetitive.
(from ~XXfallingfeatherXX)
Hi there.
Firstly, I'd like to say, nice artwork. :]
I'm not going to go so low as to insult you and your beliefs as well as your art, in fact, I'm not here to insult you at all, mainly find some answers.
No, I am not an Otakukin myself, I'm a therian, and when coming across Otakukin, I had to have one explain it to me themselves.
Your beliefs are in basic terms (please pardon me if I'm wrong, thats why I'm here in the first place, to get the right information from someone who believes in this) that you are a character from an Anime through reincarnation?
Now, I have to admit, even though I'm a therian myself, and have a relatively open mind, I'm still a little perplexed at this. You're a character someone made up?
How did they come to be real, these characters? And how do they suddenly reside in an alternate universe or something of the like, if they were first made in the mind of a Anime creator?
Like I said, just wondering, and hoping for a response so I can be a little less confused. :]
wishing you well
I said
Since you seem genuinely curios, I will answer your question genuinely.
The problem is one of unfortunate nomenclature and poorly defined terms.
People don't seem to understand this: obviously, a character that is wholly fictional, made up of ink and paint and words, can't have a soul, spirit, or consciousness.
However, most otakukin believe (and occasionally try to justify with what may or may not be good science) that there are an infinite number of universes other than our own. Because these worlds are infinite, literally every possibility must occur.
Therefore any possible story that can be told or thought of has already occurred/ is occurring in an alternate universe, in an infinite number of variations.
Thus, the people that otakukin believe themselves to be reincarnations of already existed, before the authors in this universe thought of their stories (or stories strikingly similar).
The act of writing does not create new worlds or people, but merely randomly coincides with an already extant chain of events.
Otakukin then believe that the spirit or consciousness of a person can be reborn in another universe after death. The new incarnation may or may not have memories of their previous life/lives which may be triggered or strengthened by coming in contact with the fictional material in this world that resembles their past life.
It is especially significant to note that remembering your past life is a flaw in the reincarnation process, not the desired outcome.
Only those who had esspecially traumatic or eventful lives, ones that had a powerful effect on the soul, are likely to remember their past lives at all. This is one of the reasons that there seem to be a high percentage of otakukin who were "important characters". Obviously it is easier to remember a life of great world-altering struggle than it is to remember being some farmer.
And then there’s this guy (Rocketllama , who, by the way turned out to be Mr. Cthullu on my message boards, and is now banned), who thinks the best way to show his disdain for my beliefs is to write a 500 word essay on the subject. I think his most effective argument is when he calls me fat and insults my artwork.
You aren't the Digimon Emperor. There are no digimons, except on the TV and in the little tamagotchi ripoff thing. I'm sorry, but you aren't. You can't be what you aren't, especially if it isn't. Folks who believe they are what they aren't, when they clearly aren't, in looks, thoughts, deeds, habits etc get so indignant when someone tries to point out that you are so far outside of consensus reality that even people who think consensus reality isn't necessarily real reality think you are insane. You're delusional, you are not a character that never existed. Sure you can have your little theories based on your layman's misinterpretation of serious science, but if you explained your beliefs to a sincere and serious scientist; perhaps someone in particle physics or quantum physics (no string theorists plox) they would either laugh at you insane like, or just think you're a sad deluded little dupe. Lot's of physically unattractive women like yourself have managed to prove that they aren't their appearance, they don't get deluded. Sometimes they write about Bell Jars and put their heads in ovens, but Jesus, other than ruling the 'Digimons' and running a site that banned the only non-otakook who ever joined, admitted to being a sort of troll but still behaved civilly? Ha. Sad deluded little girl, wake up for your own sake. i'd say for God's sake, but he isn't real or doesn't care, I'd say for my sake, but I really don't care, but do it for yourself. Also, maybe instead of pretending that you're a cartoon character to feel better about yourself, might I suggest a salad? Jumping jacks? A Gym Membership?
And you're a lousy artist. You probably know that, but your colors are no good, you have no sense of proportion or perspective, your characters have misshapen faces, 'wongley' arms, and nobody has given a shit about The Slayers since the late 90s, if in fact anyone ever gave that much of a fuck about it anyway.
What is it with Otakin or hardcore anime fans and their love for the most mediocre filler series? Slayers is something you watch when you're Evangelion and Urotsokidoji tapes are out on loan or something. Seriously, get in touch with something that is closer to reality, take better care of yourself, if your self esteem goes up (and don't bs me and tell me it's not low) you might be able to do REAL things, like improve your art kills, draw things other than bad amine (sic) fanart, and pretending to be something that isn't real by anyone's standard except for a small group of (probably bad smelling and universally unattractive sad and lonely) people on the internet. Am I shallow? Fuck no, I'm not particularly pretty or handsome, despite what my girlfriend tells me. Yes, there is a lot more to life than looks, like smarts, which I fancy myself as having, but you, if you have any, are squandering them by trying to find more epic loserly ways to be lame than most people can even comprehend.
(my response)
a) if no one cares about Slayers why has a new series just debuted?
b) Eva is shit
c) y so srs?