yeah you knew this was coming!

Nov 03, 2004 08:50

well the fights not over yet but it looks like that redneck scumbag jerkoff is going to be their for another 4 years.

back when bush got selected,i supported him but when he started that shit with iraq that when i said fuck you man.

i'm not a republican nor a democrat,i aint no fuckin bleedin heart liberal nor a tight-ass bible humping conservative.

i support a president with balls and brains but i'm still waiting for a canidate who has both.

and now what i like is that all of a sudden i'm un-american because i don't support that faggot,well let me tell you this if exercising my fucking god given rights to freedom of expression signed into the constitution by thomas jefferson and the founding fathers, well then yes i'm un-american because i love my country but hate my goverment,whats even funnier is all the propaganda about how your not a true patriot if you don't support bush,funny the same thing was said in germany back in 1933 about hitler so bush and hitler aint much diffrent neither, and to you dubya you nazi low-life, fuck you and your mother and 1 day i hope to fuck your 2 daughters on the bed you sleep on and then right over on the desk in the oval office too!,hell i'll even throw your wife a shot too!

may you burn in hell for all eternity.

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