this fuse has been building up for years and i'm about to fuckin explode!

Sep 23, 2004 03:57

alot of people always say that i alienated them from my life,no they alienated me.
not one person has ever asked me why i'm such an asshole, problably because nobody cares,or they think they know everything but don't know shit. when i try to talk to people they act like a god damn physcoligist and act like they know my thoughts and feelings,instead of asking they assume and like i always say assumtions are the mother of all fuck-ups,i don't want to talk to a damn shrink,i'd like to talk to my friends whoever the hell they are,i don't even fuckin know anymore because their is so much phoniness and backstabbing and cockblocking and i can see that a mile away.

another thing is that i don't fit in with these people anymore because i don't think or act or do or like the same things as they do,so what does that give you the right to look at me or treat me like i'm an outsider? heres an example,last year i was at a couple of my friends house that i've known for 10 years and the other one i've known for 8,well we we're watching this movie "kids in the hall:brain candy",now everyone thought that it was hilarious,i thought it was stupid as hell and fell asleep so what happens? this individual said that i was using that as a defense mechanism,o.k. mr. PHYSCOLIGIST tell me why you said that,oh wait a minute because i didn't want to see that gay shit? no because it was BORING AS HELL! AND I GOT EVERY FUCKIN RIGHT TO SAY THAT! you see where i'm coming from? everyones a shrink here with a big shiny ph.d on their walls,and also everyone here loves gay culture hey if that your thing than fine,but it aint mine so stop looking at me like i'm wearing a swastika on my arm.

another thing that people can't seem to comprehend is that i see things for what they truly are and call out the bullshit when i see it,but alot of people don't like that about me,gee it wouldn't be because you don't like hearing the truth now is it?

people tell me what going wrong with my love life,i'm at the point where i don't give a fuck anymore because every woman i meet is either a fag hag who wants me to wear a thong and make-up and shit sorry princess that shit don't fly with me,or they'll go for rico suave,well i'm neither,real men don't wear thongs and i aint rico suave but does that give you the right to cricify me for it? guess what it don't.
bachelorhood is looking real good these days,love is overrated and my heart is not in peices,its a pile of dust. i would rather die rich and alone at this point.

some people like to tell me that i should be more social and shit,why? i'm happy just being the quiet one at parties and get-togethers,am i being anti-social? no i just have nothing to say. now do you have the right to crucify me for it? yep you guessed it,you don't.

i'll go out on thursday night to eat with my friends and most(not all) are acting like a bunch of jackasses in front of everybody,now some of these people tell me i need to grow up,well look in the mirror before you make accusations.

now before you judge before getting the facts strait like you always do,i want you to think hmm,maybe WE did alienate him. maybe were so caught up in OURSELVES that we don't pay attention to or give a shit about whats in front of our faces because we think we got all the ansewrs,maybe we don't really know whats going on inside his head,instead of jumping to conclusions maybe we should just ask him,and maybe he might tell us if we would just pull our heads out of our asses,we know he won't bite our heads off.

i'm posting this on here because you all seem to pay more attention to something when its on lj,instead of asking me why i've turned into rage and anger personified,you all go and act like your some half assed shrink.i don't want to talk to a fuckin shrink,i'd like to talk to my friends whoever the hell they are.

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