something or other

Feb 09, 2005 13:33

Section 1: BASICS:
[. Name: Jennifer
[. Nationality: something
[. Feet size: 6
[. Do you have a crush: heck yes i do
[. Age you act: i think i act about my age...maybe a little older
[. Age you are: 19
[. Where Do You Live: Moscow, ID
[. Where you want to live:umm somewhere that's not in the middle of nowhere and that isn't idaho
[. Birthplace: Mt. Home Idaho
[. Favorite Salad Dressing: herbal vinegarette
[. Ever gone skinny dipping?: many a time oh yes
[. What are you watching?: old people coming into my moms restaraunt
[. Last person you talked to verbally:um...dave or tina...
[. Favorite movies:nightmare before christmas, alice in wonderland, trainspotting, stigmata,the goonies, requiem (sp?)for a dream..mannnnnnnnny more
[. Favorite Book: anything by chuck palanhuik
[. Favorite Type of music: umm i like msuic that i like. shut up
[. Favorite types of cars: i just want a car..i hate these legs
[. Favorite Actor/Actress: angelina jolie, will ferrell, stephen dorff, christina ricci

Section 2: THE FUTURE:
[. School: University of Idaho, or the Art Institute in Ft. Lauderdale
[. How Many Kids You Want: um maybe two
[. What Kind Of Job You Want: independent business out of the home doing projects involving skills in art[. Wedding dress color: black or red
[. Age to wed: 27
[. Wedding place: umm i don't know
[. Honeymoon: paris, or greece
[. Baby boy's name(s): frankie. haha i don't know yet
[: Future Pets:my cat..i don't know
Section 3: HAVE YOU EVER:
[. Been In Jail: nope
[. Said I love you and meant it: yes
[. Been in love with anyone: yes
[. Lied: yes
[. Broken A Bone: nope.
[. Cheated On A Test: not that i remember
[. Cheated On A girlfriend/boyfriend: no, that sucks
[. Been In The Hospital: yeah, my first time ever was this past christmas break
[. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: yes..but under not good circumstances
[. Fallen asleep in someone's arms: yeah, no i fall asleep in the arms of my stuffed animals
[. Seen someone die:dying is a slow process..i've seen people in the process of dying. and i've seen people get creamated. it's horrible
[. Gone a week w/out shaving: heck yes i have
[. Broken something valuable: umm..nothing too valuable.
[. Knew you were in love: absolutely

[. Coke Or Pepsi: diet fuck yeah
[. Cats Or Dogs: cats
[. Dvds or VHS: dvd
[. Deaf Or Blind: ummm..blind..i would be sad without music
[. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tubs..stuff happens
[. Television Or Radio:...movies
[. Cds Or mp3's: mp3’s
[. Apples or oranges: oranges..or green apples
[. Gap or Old Navy: neither

[. Took A Shower: this morning
[. Took A Bath: umm :( i want to take a bath
[. Cried:live two days ago
[. Watched a Disney movie:umm like monday night..nightmare before christmas
[.Given/gotten a hug: all over the school today

Section 6: WHAT IS:
[. Your Fondest memory Of This year:umm...hanging out with hannah in the cemetery
[. Your Most Prized Possession:?? my goonies sweater
[. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: friends
[. Your Favorite Slow Song:kuma
[. Bill Clinton: that dress
[. Love at First Sight:lust
[. Teenage smoking:it's their choice
[. Pot: should be legal..yes
[. Eating disorder:indifference
[. Rap: i like a very small portion

[. What are your favorite forms of jewelry/accessories:my earrings and my labret. like two necklaces.
[. Have you ever liked someone too young for you?:not really...i always end up going for older guys
[. Do you think you have multiple personalities?:sometimes i wonder
[. Ever walked in on someone changing or showering?:oh man
[. What is the first thing you say on the phone?: either "hi is ______ there?" or "hello?"
[. What are you wearing?: umm...two different types of toe socks. my etnies. pants. weird strappy shirt.and my goonies sweater.
[. What did you do yesterday?:woke up at 10 something, went to the dmv to get a booklet, aaron dropped me off at the bus stop, found out that i had like and hour and a half until my bus left. went next door to see amanda. went back to bus stop. came to riggins, sisters birthday party. played with niece, went home ate dinner. came back here and talked to nick and kiera. fun times
01. best girl friend: hannah
02. best boy friend: umm i have some
03. boyfriend?: not anymore
04. if yes, current dating partner: i said no damn yous
05. pager: nooooooo
06. are you center of attention or the wallflower: depends on if i like the people i'm around
07. what type of automobile do you drive: nothing i'm a loser
08. what type of automobile do you wish you drove: jetta fa sho
09. do you have a job: yes, lets not talk about it
10. Do you like being around people: sometimes...well a lot of the time

[ current mood ] content
[ current music ] some music on the jukebox
[ current taste ] diet pepsi
[ current annoyance ] umm..that everyone i know has moved
[ current smell ] burning wood
[ current thing you ought to be doing ]anything i want
[ current desktop picture] something from digital blasphemy dot com
[ current favorite artist ] salvador
[ current book you're reading ] lord of the rings the two towers
[ current cd in cd player ] nothing right now
[ current dvd in player ] home i think it's the order
[ current refreshment ] diet pepsi and ice
[ current worry ] too many to count
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