Woman: It's about an old depressed cat and her friends put her in a tire and shoot her to heaven.
--R train
Overheard by: Misha Lonergan
Man: I want to offend animal rights activists by wearing endangered jeans.
--Bloomingdale's, Broadway between Spring & Broome
Guy: Oh please, a human ass can not take a horse!
--Chipotle, East 8th Street
Construction dude: Hey, your dog looks like a gremlin. You know, from the movie...You know, the movie Gremlins? Your dog looks like a gremlin. The cute gremlin.
--Elevator, Hanover Square
Overheard by: Lara J
Guy: Man, gorilla ripped that nigga's tongue out with his teeth.
--United Artists Theatre, Brooklyn Heights
Overheard by: Craig Howe
Teen girl: No, no. When they're outside, you call it a rat, but in your house, you call it a mouse.
--L train
Guy: I know a lot of people who hate the brontosaurus stampede because they think it's too, you know, fake.
--27th & 3rd
Overheard by: AWAG
Woman: I think Die Fledermaus is the bat!
--45th & 8th
Man on cell: Because crows don't live in Antarctica...No, they don't!
--Amtrak train
Overheard by: Sarah