Mar 11, 2007 11:56
I'm Amber, pregnant with my second child. Currently in "the fourth trimester". Now we are playing the waiting game, and I've already had 2 'false'-labor moments. The most recent one was the most frustrating - where one doctor told me my membranes were ruptured, then I was told by my OB that they were not ruptured.
I am recovering from an incredibly hard fall/slip (yesterday), so walking around is proving to be very difficult. I am thinking of trying cod liver oil to induce labor. I do not want to try castor oil, since it is a laxative and causes rectal muscles to contract (which, in turn, may cuase the uterus to contract) - if I try it, I might have hard contractions, as well as diarreah (sp) while sitting on the toilet, and wouldn't be able to go to the hospital - or something. Heh. Warm baths are out of the question (I wouldn't be able to get out of the tub). Those are the only methods I know of that help induce labor.
I was told that hip alignment might be a factor (I've had hip problems since before my first pregnancy due to a previous chiro - who ended up being sued for malpractice). My OB diagnosed me with Pelvic Symphasis Disorder as well. I will have to do some phoning around, to see if my hip problems are indeed related to my hip problems.
Anyway, Lets hope our babies come soon, ladies!
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