everything is just beginning to fall into place, i have alot more friends-i actually go down to lunch and sit and talk with people..grades are pretty good-nothing lower then a B..self confidence is still the same but i dont care ACTUALLY i dont really care about anything, especially people and how they react towards me. i have no more tolerance and no one noticed that im not around anymore. but its not about the today its about the tomorrow and all the tomorrows that follow and everyone just walks in and out of my life whenever they please soo how can i count on friends when i need their help- how well i know if they will actually be there for me? well i dont know and i hate how no one realizes what this does to me. well im sick of it-the ones who do realize it, realize it too late and i have no reason to forgive you. im no longer going out of my way to call, or to talk to in anyway in general.
when you actually get the time to care~maybe then you could make those dead end promises and keep them.
im not expecting anyone to bother to comment let alone read this