There were actually quite a few common rooms in the Order's Headquarters, but only one with a piano. Lavi knew this because Allen played piano, and when he played, it was always in this room.
Or was it in a different room? Some other familiar place... A very familiar place. Lavi remembered it vividly. That other building felt real. It was hard to
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"Aw, man, I knew I was gonna be late. Stupid freaking Kanda and his whiny ass," Daisya grumbled in good spirits as he picked himself up off the floor and went about dusting himself off, though it was mostly out of habit more than actual need. Much like General Theodore, Daisya was in a constant state of slightly-filthy and moderate disarray. "But! Nice to see you again, Bookman Junior! You're looking... tall!" Daisya observed before his gaze lighted on their pianist. Not for the first time in his life, Daisya lamented that he held no lasting interest in women. All the same he smiled. "And you must be Miss Rainier! Please tell me you've been hiding under a rock the last, say, eleven years or I might have to check myself into the infirmary to have my vision checked, because I don't know how I managed to miss the sight of you."
"Charmed though, really," she murmured, ruby lips curling as she inclined her head toward the hooded Exorcist. The guy seemed to have an awful lot of energy.
"But this is a pretty crazy concidence, don't you boys think? Running into two Exorcists I've never met on the same day."
She was just picking out the last notes of the song, hands still moving practically on their own, as she turned a playful gaze back to Lavi again.
"And thanks, hon. I am a professional, y'know." She gave him a small teasing smirk. If it seemed like she was flirting with the pair of them, well, that would be because she was. There weren't many boys in the world who didn't call for a little flirting with.
"Professional, eh?" He grinned at Maria, eyebrow raised at the innuendo. All that an exorcist, too? How had he not met this woman before? "I believe it," he intoned, straightening. "So, you done? Playing, I mean. 'Cause I don't really want to be around when whoever's chasing Dai comes to get him." Lavi shot a sideways grin at Daisya, silently asking for the inevitable wild explanation.
"Well. Longer than they were when I was eight," he defended with a rather dejected sigh. "Lucky I don't gotta worry about falling for a girl taller than me, huh?"
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