Feb 11, 2012 13:47
him: lizzy is so great
him: tons of guys want to take her out on a date
me: what?
him: and ask her to be their mate
him: but she won't let them keep her out late
him: and leaves their hearts in a sorry state
me: lol
me: this is a beautiful poem
me: thanks
him: I call it 8
me: what? why?
him: minus three
him: Lizzy: 8 minus 3
him: thats the title
him: it rhymes with 8
him: but only has 5 lines
him: and thats how many times you'll turn a guy down before you start to feel bad for him
me: lol ... ya that is true
me: you just made me snort by the way
him: yaaaaaaa