I'm bad at this kind of stuff. But I tried. Just hope they liked what they got...especially Yuffie. She was the hardest one to actually figure out. Birthdays are far more easy than holidays.
Would've been kind of nice if the others were here. Especially Tifa.[scribbled out]
...arm still hurts, though. Stings if I move it wrong. Dammit. It's times like these I wish I had a cure mater --- maybe Yuffie has one. Can't find mine.
.......and while I'm thinking about it, I'm not eating that chocolate from the anonymous sender...or the other one that has Euphie's name on it. I have what she got me. I'm a lot smarter than people seem to think that I am. [the journal picks up a frustrated sigh as little lines are drawn on the side of the page]
Uh. Not to take away from the cheer and festivity of the day but I was wondering...do you have a Cure materia?
...uh, huh. I wasn't expecting to get anything.[crossed out, but can be seen if looked at real close] Thanks...for the gifts, to anyone who sent them. It was nice of you. Going to take awhile to actually eat all of this stuff but...hopefully it won't give me a stomach ache or anything.
Never was big on sweet or sugary stuff.[scratched out entirely]