heading for home

Mar 26, 2009 04:29

Hal Jordan has never been sure where the 'Mogo doesn't socialize' business got started, because he's always considered that GL to be one of the agreeable in the Corps. And considering how much change was going on, now that the Corps was rebuilding itself, spending a few days with an old familiar... face? was just what Hal needed. But vacation time is over, and it's time he made it back to Earth.

The flight is taking a little longer than usual, thanks to his being a little off-balance. After being dormant for so long, his Lantern was overdue for a routine maintenance check back on Oa, so Hal is hauling it along with him. It's not the sort of thing a GL likes to do--a guy can feel a little exposed dragging along the main source of his ring's power--but at least now he doesn't have to worry about any unhappy surprises now that he's using it for regular recharges.

The run from Oa to Earth is one he could do in his sleep, even if he did make a stopover with Mogo this time. But Hal snaps to attention when his ring announces, "Alert. Spacetime anomaly detected along projected flight path."

"Huh?" Hal frowns. "Ring, specify. What kind of anomaly is it? Estimated threat level?"

"Unable to comply. Anomaly does not correspond to known spacetime phenomena."

Hal sighs. That figures. Well, at least he can sense where it is now. Might as well check it out.

Too bad the perimeters of the anomaly turn out to be a lot less predictable than he thought. The ring is able to burst, "ALERT! SURGE IN ANOMALOUS ACTIVITY! ALER--!" before Hal is slammed by a shock wave and a full-spectrum burst of light.
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