Apr 04, 2016 18:24
Haven't updated this for awhile. So what's new?
1) Paid off my new laptop
2) Survived Mother's day (Which went alright surprisingly.)
3) Got Mother's Birthday stuff sorted. (Card + Fit Bit Blaze and money for a meal out)
4) Trying to sort out why I'm not getting paid Night Shift Allowance / Premiums for working night shifts.
5) Sorted out my iPhone / iTouch and the bug it had picked up.
6) Still haven't had a single day off work ill (Unless it's like a stomach bug, I will always go in.)
7) Trying to not brutally slay anyone at work or go crazy. (I think I am already going crazy though)
8) Still helping pay the mortgage of the house since my folks split.
9) Always so tired.