I don't even know where to start.

Jan 09, 2009 01:50

It's 2:15 AM, and this post is not going to be very clear - I'm tired, and I'm shocked, amazed, and confused by this whole "situation."

I would usually make this a friends-only post, but I think it needs to be public, given that it addresses and involves some people who don't haev LJ accounts.

I'm very unhappy with much of what's happened on the comments page of my livejournal recently. I've gotten two phone calls today, from people upset as a result of what other people have said in the comments thread.

I, personally, am responsible for only a tiny thread of the actual conversations that have been happening, and I'm disgusted with how a few people have handled a few things. People are sinking to personal attacks, and are just generally being nasty.

I'm also unhappy that people seem to be holding me responsible for what my friends - livejournal-friends or IRL-friends - have been saying.

I've been trying extremely hard to avoid contributing to this cesspool of anger and frustration. Maybe I should have just locked the post, to prevent this from continuing to degenerate.

Some of the people posting here hardly know me - or haven't spoken with me recently. All of these interactions with people are far more complex than I could even begin to address here.

I haven't been following my LJ religiously - I've been distracted, and I don't sit here constantly hitting refresh to see what horrible things people have said to each other. I also didn't have my phone on me, so I didn't notice a text message, chastising me for having poor taste in LiveJournal friends.

I am completely fed up with this situation. I am unhappy with all of the insults that have been flung around, and I'm frustrated that I'm repeatedly being told that I'm a shitty person for not handling this ridiculous drama-fest in a different way.

I have no interest in these fights. I don't want to participate in the arguments that are happening here. I feel that I've compromised some of my own sanity just to have to make this post, because I think that the situation is absurd at best, and disgusting at worst. I'm torn between wanting to tell people off, and wanting to dissociate myself from the entire situation. Neither option is apparently going to make everyone happy.

But it's not really my responsibility to make sure that everyone who reads this is unoffended by everyone that someone else might post here. I think that most of the hateful things that have been said speak for themselves.

Everyone: my LiveJournal friends list is exactly that: a LiveJournal friends list. Just because someone is on it, does not mean that I give tacit approval of anything they might ever say. I'm amazed to see that people seem to feel differently.

Every personal attack that was lobbed over the past week has disgusted me. Every expression of anger and hate has saddened me. And every description of my genuine flaws has landed squarely in my core.

Please, just stop treating each other like crap. Enough.

I might address some of what some people have said about me eventually, but I'm not even sure of that. I've seen a lot of ugliness come out here.
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