Jan 24, 2006 21:10
(mirrored from website blog)
So I run into Junaid this morning at the CHIP lounge and we got to talking about me taking too many classes. Since I was taking a few biology courses to make me more competitive for medical school, I figured why not see how close I am for a biology degree. Turns out I only need one class!
The class I need is an Ecology/Evolution/Animal Behavior class, oh which Ecology is most appealing both content-wise and schedule-wise. If I had the time, I could take the Molecular Biology of Cancer of class, and graduate with a GCD (Genetics, Cell Biology and Development) degree, but that’s overkill for me. Time to rearrange my schedule.
As for my classes today, Histology was interesting, talked about connective tissues and some immunology concepts. In lab the introduction took an hour, but the slides were relatively straightforward. Mast cells were a pain to look for though, the TAs were conflicting on what was what. Me and Rita found what we believe to be mast cells, and that’s that.
After Histology I met up with Histology and we tackled an MRI of a heart ... I really need to shore up on my anatomy and my radiological skills. But I think we’ve finally figured out the left atrium on coronal views ... sagittal and axial later.
Radiological physics, having a demonstration was nice, still dozed off in the middle of class again as usual. Maybe it’s habit now, I have an idea to combat it ... basketball before class =) Anyway learning about changing magnetic fields and how they affect neuron function ... funny how bad TVs can actually be in more ways than one thought!
Final class of the day was Hmong with the first fun quiz. I can’t tell how I did on the quiz, but maybe it’s just because I wasn’t paying as much attention as I should have yesterday. Last day to work on the skit, I have a feeling I’ll have a lot to practice tomorrow.
Maybe I should start with getting more sleep.