May 27, 2009 21:53
It is amazing how much Hailey grows each day. She is learning how to entertain herself, even if it is just playing around with (and trying to eat) the fabric tag on her Boppy pillow which, by the way, she is supposed to use to help support her while sitting up but somehow she winds up on her tummy behind it when I look away. She babbles on and on and her sense of humor is growing so fast...she even laughs at ME now (I never said she had a good sense of humor, I just said it's growing). It seems as if she outgrows a new outfit every day which is quite unfortunate because that means more outfit changes in one sitting and that baby HATES to get dressed. She will be lying down, throwing the fit of a lifetime, and when we're done I pick her up and balance her on her chubby feet, where she "stands" with the biggest smile on her face because she KNOWS she's adorable in whatever I managed to dress her in. She then proceeds to soak in the compliments from everybody who crosses her path, flashing her great big gummy smile and only acting shy. If they only knew. She has an increasing interest in Moxie, and she almost cannot contain herself when she sees that dog. Her arms shoot out and she grunts and squeals and tries so hard to "pet" the puppy, which Moxie has taken surprisingly well (so far). See, Hailey has a huge thing for pulling hair, and I'm sure Moxie does NOT have quite so huge of a thing for having her hair pulled, so I really have to be careful with how close I let Hailey's hands get to Moxie's fur. Even so, Moxie has endured a few tugs here and there and hasn't really seemed to even notice.
Complete change of subject, my hair is now black. I haven't had black hair in years and I'm not sure I like it as much as I anticipated I would, but it's a change. I need change. My life is so monotonous and it's pathetic how exciting dying my hair can be but hey, to each his own I suppose. While the people I went to high school with are traveling to different countries, I am busy coloring my hair and watching my husband replace lightbulbs above the bathroom mirrors. Yes, the lightbulb replacement activity was the second most exciting thing to happen today.
My true reasoning for this post was to put myself to sleep. I don't know if it is the light of the screen against the contrasting dark room and the sound of the keyboard that makes me drowsy, or if my life really is that boring that just writing about it makes me doze off. Either way, it usually works but isn't this time which is disappointing because I woke up so early and have to work tomorrow morning. Eh, I'll find something that will make me sleepy, though I halfway think it's the pain in my neck and shoulder that is keeping me awake. *sigh* One day I won't have so many ailments. Here's to wishful thinking...