This is my (personal & crazy) episode entry for 12.1 "Twenty Klicks". It`s not meant to be a recap, it`s just me, having fun with NCIS, svala style. D
Most of all, it`s done for my own entertainment.
- includes random, crazy and useless comments from yours truely.
- includes a LOT of Tony & Gibbs
- I`m no TIVA fan, never was, never will be. If your looking for something TIVA, please do yourself, and me, a favor and go looking for it someplace else
- Tony is the center of my NCIS universe, and Tony you`ll get (and Gibbs)
NCIS is back! and since this is the first episode of season 12, I`ve added some of the live tweets & stuff
How is one surposed to watch the episode when one gets this live via twitter?
tibbs ...
... tibbs ...
... tibbs ...
... tibbs ...
... tibbs
(we all know he`s the master of troll, don`t we? yep!)
ohhhhh Michael, never change, ever
duuuuuuuuude, rockin`the glasses ....
ahhh, the episode, yes. Like said, this is NOT a recap, these are just some random thoughts of mine.
Overall, I like "Twenty Klicks". It wasn`t the best episode ever, but not the worst also. I think it set the stage for (what could be) a great season. The ratings are not too shabby also, with 18+ million.
It felt a bit rushed towards the end, maybe it would have been better if they`d have turned the ep into a two-parter.
A lot of people complain because of the tech stuff. I`m no tech pro, but even I`d know, kind of, how to do it different *duh* ehhhh, just use a computer that`s not connected to the network, for example? that *should* do the trick.
Now the fun part:
Vance & Ducky Vance is, by far, my least favorite character. Always has been, always will be (everyone who`s after my favorite Special Agent is going to have a hard time, fact). Still, I like Vance in this ep, most of all because of the awesome scene with Ducky. And the way he made it clear that not only him, but everyone, is not happy with the situation.
A-Team!Gibbs *drools*
Sniper!Gibbs *faints*
Poor Kevin
(Kevin, who? remember 10.14 "Canary"? yeah, Kevin. Too bad they`ve pulled a *Supernatural stunt*, and brought a great character back, only to make him dissapear again, pretty much forever *duh*)
Gibbs: "Jerky?"
Gibbs: "Done"
Kevin: "Me too"
Hannah Banks "Hannah, tell me about your dad. Where`s your dad?" "Right there" *CRIES*
that was an awesome piece of acting. I think it´s one of the few, if not the only, time I`ve been crying over a character I`ve just met.
I never thought I`d say this, but:
usually Tim&Gibbs is, imho, one big huge snoozefest, but this Tim from "Twenty Klicks" ? I like :D
That doesn`t mean that I`d be happy with TPTB, teaming up Tim & Gibbs all the time, nope, far from happy I`d be.
And lets be honest, one of the latest GG interviews made me go "huh?
We all know that the Gibbs-Tony combo is an extremely strong one and we always want to do a story that often sets them off on their own. At the same time it’s really nice to have Tony to anchor things back at headquarters when something significant is going on for Gibbs and Sean [Murray] has just been so fantastic.
you`re kidding, right? if you`re not kidding ...
... `cause that s*** makes no sense.
If you have characters with great chemistry, you put them together as often as possible, you do NOT keep them apart
And you do NOT lock up an actor like Michael Weatherly and his character in MTAC and the bullpen ... *pokes GG* ... Dear GG, you do remember "The Admiral`s Daughter"? yes, I`m sure/hope you do. THAT is what I want to see when asked about in charge Tony ... *pokes more, with a stick*
anyway ...
Rock Paper Scissors
*awww 2.0*
actually, it makes sense for Tony to stay behind. Tony is 2IC, and if Gibbs is gone, Tony`s in charge (until TPTB forget about this again, and put someone else in charge, for bogus reasons)
Related to the above rant
*puts on Tony & Tibbs cap*
even if it makes sense for Tony to stay behind when Gibbs takes off, especially out of the country and/or overseas, that doesn`t mean I have to like it. I can live with it, once or twice. More times? nope, thank you. Even less when Tony`s not really in charge. So far it`s been either Vance or Fornell (or Jenny) who`ve been with him, calling the shots most of the time.
That`s far from my definition of in charge Tony.
*takes off Tony & Tibbs cap*
Competent & Serious Tony aka the part of Tony I want to see when he`s in charge.
Tony: "With all due respect Counselor, where are your bosses on this?"
Vance: "DiNozzo"
Tony`s so done listening to the crap the Counselor dude`s spreading
motherhen! determined!Tony!
He`s making sure he gets Gibbs (and everybody else) home save & sound, even if the bossman is kicking `n screaming, to avoid being dragged home save.
TOUCH! & GRAB! & DRAG! & PUSH! ...
btw, there`s a hilarious discussion going on at Michael`s Twitter about how Tony`s been able to travel overseas as fast as he did:
CLICK CLICK The Dr. Who phone booth ... It`s a Police Box ... It`s a Police Box, ok. I'm American. Take it easy ... It is called a Tardis ... Technically, it's a TARDIS stuck in a police box disguise
But, we all know how Tony was able to travle from DC to Finland/Russia in the blink of an eye, do we?
I bet Jack pushed him through, tehe
uhm, yeah
Tony: "... if one of us loses it, we all lose it, including Gibbs and McGee"
The only thing I don`t like about the ep is: Ari
Really? Ari? out of nowhere? When I read the 1st spoiler about the ep, I thought it was about Gibbs`past in russia. Do you really have to drag Ari into this? Ari is sooo out of the left field, the left field isn`t even on Terra Firma anymore.
What´s so bad about the Ari mess you ask? well, this is the perfect opening for her, who`s name shall not be named, to return to show
and wouldn`t that be fun?
That`s a nice touch
Ralph Waite
speaking of Daddy Gibbs:
James Garner
Last 2.0: SNEAK PEAK
12.2 "Kill the Messenger"
action!Tony ...
... bring it ... *grabby hands*
watching Tony (Michael) run and in action is always fun :D
speaking of running
Meep ... special round
*fans self*
end of special round
except, when it`s not fun anymore
I bet that hurt ... ouch
aaaaaand, I`m done
for everyone who`s made it `till the end, thank you for reading
see you next week *waves*
(speaking of next week, touble the Tony, double the fun, hell yeah)