Animation Spam
overall it doesn`t include this many animations, I`ve done much more for previous entries, but it`s a lot of graphics in a total
(a download link for all animations can be found at the end of the entry)
Supernatural, episode 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra"
"Love Letter"
(*possible* because I only add as many anis at a time as my connection can handle, but since I don`t know about others = possible)
Entry is split on two parts
OverTheHills@Deamwidth prt.2
OverTheHills@Deamwidth (Original entries are posted to Dreamwidth, because livejournal managed to mess up my *I has spent hours and hours to sort out and upload, so it looks all shiny `n nice* overall layout for the entries *duh*)
Download Link
for all animations, var. size for each:
@Mediafire password: samarra
entry is listed at the SPN season 6
MASTERLIST ... CLICK (the masterlist is Members Only)