These are some misc. animations for NCIS, Supernatural and Jared&Jensen (images are from NashCon)
(possible) DIAL-UP KILLER!
Happy Valentines Day!
IF you celebrate it at all (me, I don`t. I don`t need no *special* day to let the hubby know I love him ;D)
The first ani is from NCIS, episode 200 *yaaaa show*. I, just had to use this scene.
Why? come on, half nekkid Palmer *stares*, and Gibbs, and Abby
NCIS Episode 200
NOOOO words for this scene from SPN, NOOOO words
Supernatural 7.13
(I has more for this ep & scene, the anis are almost done)
And this, is the first time I`ve done anything for J&J. After I`ve watched the con vid, I just had to get these done. This moment is almost too good to be true
Same anis, different size