Memories...All we have left...

Mar 03, 2005 09:13

I dont think that I have really truely updated this thing for awhile. Everytime I think about doing it, it seems like I just dont have the time for it anymore. So much has gone on in the last few months that really its hard to keep track. Looking back on it, it just seems to be a big blur that you really dont want to look back on as something that has actually happened in your life. But now that everything has calmed down a little, I have had the chance to really sit down and think about some stuff that has changed...Like friends for example. When I was in middle school "grownups" use to tell me that when I get into highschool I will as well as my friends experience things that would change our lives for ever. And that we had to take the bad as well as the good and learn to stick through everything. I always thought when something bad happened I could run to one of my friends, and they seemed to make it all disapear. I never really thought of what would really happen if something bad happened involving my friends. Now who do I run to? A grownup? No because truely they are way past there childhood. And its been centurys since they knew how to be a kid and what really happens in the real world when you are only 17. So that wouldnt be right. But who? you would have no one without your friends there. So as much as you take your friends for granted right now, you should make it more because I think that losing most of your friends right now, while you are in highschool, is probably one of the worst things a kid can experience in highschool at this point. When we were in middle school and people told us that our friends in middle school were most likely not going to be our friends in high school...I laughed, I thought that our "group" or our "bond" of friendship would outlast anything. But again I was wrong. Things happen for a reason, weather they be good or bad. You cant stop them because you dont like what it has done to change your life. Looking at amandas pictures in her livejournal brought back so many memories, good and bad. I think that alot of people where jealous of all of us...Amanda, Jess, Jenn, Ashley,Felicia, even James for awhile...because we were such good friends. I even had the memory of when I was introuble one night, for almost hitting matt with my car, and I called Jess crying and she came to see me, and talk to me. And all the stuff that all of us had experienced together...Drinking for the first time on my 16 birthday with Jenn and Jess, trying weed for the first time with Jess, meeting guys in the weirs for a whole summer with Felicia, teaching Jenn, Jess AND Amanda how to drive a standard car. The nights we all use to meet up at James house and just hang out and watch movies instead of doing anything. This summer saving Chantel from those two guys who tried to chase us on their...bikes?! And those dreaded times when James ran away from home, and would call to come rescue him. You see right now, I could think of so many good times that Ive had, and then some bad ones that I probably could afford to lose but in my mind the good overpowers the bad. I know that we have all changed in more ways then one. We arnt in middle school anymore, we have to take action for our mistakes instead of just trying to hide them. And we all have in some way or another, learned to grow up. I dont think that I would ever think of trading all the memories that I have had with them in for something better, because those memories are the things that made us who we are today. And even though I know that we will never be the friends we were back then it still makes me laugh and smile just looking back at pictures of over the summer, and through our whole lives of all the crazy things that we have done for eachother, with eachother and to eachother. And that I wouldnt trade a trillion dollars for.

Pointless Entry to some I guess, But comment anyways?
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