survay thingy. taken from jenni lol sry im just bored as fuck and it seemed like a trendy survay

May 29, 2004 23:04

So, basically...:
Full name: Amanda Marie Miller
Nicknames: A-mands,Mandi, Manda
Sex: female
Birthday: september 1st
Birth place: St. Peters Hospital
Current residence: latham ny.
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Parents names: Sue and Curt
Sibling's names and ages: greg-16, amanda-16, anthony-21
Pets: Monte-cat, Puss-cat dont ask about that name. me and my bro made it up oh and i have a fish.
Colors: pink, black, blue
Animals: dog
Cartoon Characters: .
Actresses: doesnt matter
Actors: doesnt matter
Movies: stealing harvard, half baked(ahaha), scarface, how high, FREDDY GOT FINGURED
Types of music: it depends..doesnt really matter
Singers: uhhh
Bands/Groups: CKY, brand new, the used, rancid..those r the most important
Love songs: well u see...there arent really any love songs that i like the melody of. but i do like the lyrics to the song burn-usher
Breakup songs: that would be burn-usher (i know i put it on the love song too but that song has lyrics about like both breakup and love?)
Happy songs: uhm.
All time favorite songs: the used-blue and yellow
Books:books ? ahahhahahaha. if i had to choose then it would be red midnight
Video games: dude mario
Computer games: the sims
Foods: TACOS
Ice creams: chocolate cookie dough
Cookies: chocolatechip
Veggies: PEAS
Fruits: i love almost all fruit
Candies: i hate that shit
Beverages: water
Pops: uhm.
Cereals: captain crunch berries <33333
Music videos: sic transit gloria, glory fades-brand new
Gum: that orbit
Pizza toppings: cheeeeessseeee
Fast food joints: TACOBELL
Fast food meals: cheesy gordita crunch
Pig out foods: tacobell dude come on now
Restaurant: uhm.
Outfits: well u see. u cant have a favorite one of those.
Stores: doesnt really matter
Sports: uh. u can tell i am not athletic ?
Athletes: uh.
Numbers: 92
Letters: wtf kinda question is that.
Breakfast foods: idk...potatoes
Lunches: well id have to say food
Dinners: chicken ?
Comedians: ahahahahahah idk the ones that make red neck jokes and the ones that make fun of annorexic models
Shampoos: Garnier Fructice (sp?)
Magazines: well. no

Love Life
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
If so, who are they? joey prudhome
Do you love them? idk. i like him ***A LOT***
How long have you been dating? not that long
Do you have a crush?: duh.
Would you rather be single or taken right now?: i like being taken :-D
How many people have you dated this past year?: this year? two
How many people have you kissed in your life?: 1000234598079082734 ahaha no. enough.
How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: 1
If you didn't mean it, why did you say it?: cuz it just sounded cute i guess. and cuz im fuckin retarded. the one i said it to and meant it was a fake anyway. turned out to be a total asshole...:/
Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: god yes.
Are you friends with your ex/exes?: yes
Have you ever cheated on someone?: no
Have you ever been cheated on?: i hope not
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?: joey. thats all i have to say. :)
Biggest Turn-ons: if they have a nice body
Turn-offs: attitudes.
Best quote to sum up love: its only fuckin good if u have someone who loves u back

What religion are you?: christian
Do you got to church regularly?: nah
What do you think happens when you die: u just die. ?
Do you believe in God?: yes
Satan?: i guess
Anegls?: i guess
Heaven?: sorta
Hell?: sorta
What do you think of abortion?: not against, not for it either.
Suicide?: nah.
Flag burning?: u know if ur a pyro then what the hell ?
War?: pointless.
Pop music?: omg omg omg n'cink!!!!
What Did You Do...
Last weekend?: its so puthetic that i completely forgot.
Yesturday?: chilled w/ jessica
Your last birthday?: got pampered by my brother ? i know so fuckin weird
New Years Eve?: had an evey new year
Valentines Day?: nothing. last year valentines day sucked fuckin shit in a toilet
Easter?: ate a lot
4th of July?: fireworks-chilled with des
Halloween?: ahah went to my moms friends house and chilled with des. walked around in a pimp looking ideal outfit.
Thanksgiving?: ate like nothing.. i know i ate alot on easter but not a lot on thanksgiving
Christmas Eve?: uhm. looked at all my presents and wondered and tried to guess what they all were (did not succede)
Christmas Day?: chilled w/ family. opened the presents that i was trying to guess for what they were for like 2 hours the day before

What do you think you'll be doing in...
A week from now?: chillen w/ joey possibly ?
A month from now?: chillen.
A year from now?: chillen some more.
5 years from now?: more chillen
10 years from now?: chill dude
20 years from now?: seriously chill
50 years from now?: my god so much chilling

Nicest: meghan and jessica
Bitchiest: no comment
Prettiest: idk their all pretty
Hottest?: what the fuck
Best eyes: jessica
Best hair: desiree
Biggest tease: dude jessica
Rudest: dude meghan stick ur feet in my face again i swear to god lol
Shyest: des
Loudest: meghan
Smartest: deffinatly not desiree
Blondest: DESIREE damn what a dumb bitch aha
Drama Queen: jessica mayb
Biggest Flirt: jessica
Tallest: jessica and meghan
Shortest: stephany ahaha
Most likely to become a model?: jessica
Most likely to be rich?: diamond ahaha
Most talented: uh.
Craziest?: me and meghan u put us together and well do dumb stuff. ahaha
Weirdest?: dude des
Biggest Druggie?: no comment.
Thugest?: diamond. come on. dirt off ur sholders
Girliest?: .
Most likely to be married first?: jessica
Most likely to become a serial killer?: what the fuck
Most caring?: meghan
Most independent?: dude desiree
Most dependent?: uh.
Most trustworthy?: meghan+jessica
Best body?: ew
Funniest?: MEGHAN
Most like you?: theyre all somewhat like me
Most fun to be with?: all of them

This or That
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Mom or Dad?: i love them both equally.
Blonde or Brunette?: brunett.
Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon?: come on.
Spicy or Minty gum?: minty
Heaven or Hell?: heaven
Nsync or Backstreet Boys?: n-cink
The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?: rolling stones
Boys or Girls?: boys for relationships girls for friendships
France or England?: france
Cookies or Cake?: cookies
Flower or Candy?: flower
Doctors or Dentist?: dentist

Ever Been Called...
Retarted?: yup
Ugly?: yup
Hot?: yup
A waste of space?: ahah yeah just about.
Useless?: yeah
Sexy?: yea
Smelly?: no ?
A Slut?: no
Beautiful?: yea
Smart?: yea
Quiet?: yea
Boring?: no
A Bitch?: yeah :/
Rebel?: yea
Conceited?: no

What are you wearing?: NOTHING ! no. pink pants and a black shortys hoodie
Who are you talking to?: no one
How is the weather?: cold and clear skies
What are you listening to?: nothing.
What/Who are you thinking about?: joey
What are you eating/drinking?: nothing
What are you looking forward to?: tuesday
What are you dreading?: school.
How are you feeling?: good i suppose
How is your hair?: pretty good, u?
What time is it?: 12:30 am
What are you anoyed by?: my brother talking right now ahaha

What emotion do you feel the most?: stress
What emotion is the best?:love
Worst?: loneliness
What songs make you cry?: the used-burried myself alive
What movies make you cry?: greenmile (i saw jenni write that and i remember how much i was like crying a river when the big black dude dies. aww it was so sad and when the dude with the pet mouse dies ! aww sad. ! ok anyway.)
What always cheers you up?: knowing that i have someone who loves me
What make you madder than anything?: people stabbing me in the back.
What hurts you the most?: being stabbed in the back by a good friend.
Which person always makes you happy? jessica, joey
Depressed?: alot of people
Are you a really emotional person?: i guess
What do you do when you're depressed?: listen to music. sleep..
What song do you think was written about your life?: dude all of the used songs


3 things you enjoy doing
1. chillen wit meghan
2. chillen w/ my bf
3. chillen wit jessica

3 things you want to try
1. uhm
2. uh
3. oh.

3 people you love family
2.megy poops

3 foods you are addicted to
1. tacos
2. tacos
3. tacos

3 things you hate
1. bad friends
2. fat ugly bitches
3. bitches

3 shows you watched when you were little
1. barnie..yes i know. what can i say ? i liked the big purple dinosaur
2. sescame street
3. wishbone

3 things you regret
1. jessica knows what i regreted
2. ever starting something i know i cant stop
3. -

3 songs that you love
1. having someone who loves me
2. loving somone
3. haveing a friend who i can trust

3 things you always say
1. chill
2. dude
3. madd

3 things you are looking forward to
1. tuesday
2. tomorrow
3. this summer

3 things you like about yourself
1. my eyes
2. my personality
3. my singing

3 things you dislike about yourself
1. my looks
2. and basicly everything to do with my physical apearance
3. -

3 things that describe your personality
1. shy when i first meet u
2. unique, caring, loyal
3. funny

3 things that describe your looks
1. ew
2. ew
3. ew

3 things that scare you
2. the dark
3. grave yards

Which One Are You?
Super hero: uhm.
Powerpuff girl: bubbles. only cuz me and stephany used to eat bubbles and we were like retarded little 5th graders and bubbles brings back memmories
Rugrat: tommy
Carebear: sry idk any carebear
Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtle: wtf idk
Crayon color: its this weird light/darkish/ocean looking blue. i forgot what its called

Who was the last person you...
Talked to?: jessica
Yelled at?: greg (brother)
Kissed?: joey
Hugged?: jess
Went out to eat with?: uh.
Flirted with?: wtf
Talked to on the phone?: steph
IMed?: jess
E-Mail?: uh no one
Got flowers from?: i dont remember
Made love to?: ahahahahahahahaha
Danced with?: no
Fought with?: steph but it wasent really a fight i guess
Thought about?: joey

Are you...
Understanding?: yeah
Pretty?: i dont think so
Nice?: yeah
A bitch?:i dont mean to change subjects but my bros friend scott just said that in 8th grade he ate banana baby food. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA but no im not a bitch really. only when ppl lead me into being one
Hard to get?: sorta
Confident?: not really
Depressed?: not lately
Hyper?: nnah
Popular?: idk
Friendly?: yeah
Sexy?: maybe
Original?: yes
Shy?: only when i first meet u
Emotional?: sometimes
Messy?: yes
Arrogant?: no
Immature?: no
Sad?: not lately
Trusting?: yes*
Healthy?: kinda
Sleepy?: yes
Lonely?: no
Independent?: eh.
Romantic?: if i want to be
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