hmmm so about my day...
I got up around 4:30a.m. and came to Terre Haute so i could visit with my family, except i really haven't got to see anyone for very long, mom was here earlier but then she left to stay at Gary's house. Amanda was here a bit earlier in the day. i went and visited her at work for a bit as well. But now i am alone at my house with nothing to do. i have no car to go anywhere and i have 5 dollars to get food, but no way to get to it. All in all I'm having a iffy night. I should have just stayed in Vincennes and then i could have spent my day with Zack.
i did however get a new piercing! i got my septum pierced. They did it with a 14 gauge and it was huge and looked really big and weird on me. So i went to the mall and got an 18 gauge ring and it looks much nicer now. Small and a little more girly than the hoop ring that my sister said made me look like a bull. It hurt a lot! and made my eyes water when he pierced it.
what do you think? i like it very much. Now i want my lip pierced again. oh so fun!
i guess i will mess around here for a bit. Shawnna was going to call me when she got out of work at's 9 now and no call. I guess i am stinky or something and no one wants to hang out with me.