Apr 23, 2008 13:53
The fact my mother, whenever she calls the bank looking for me, insists on asking for "Mrs. Flanagan, please. This is her mother." When I tell her to please, please just ask for Kim, please, please, I get "The way I say it is more professional." This reminds me of the phase she went through where she insisted on using the word "monies" all the damn time. I told her it sounded stupid as hell to call the cable company and say "I am calling to inquire about the wereabout of monies." and she shot back that she had looked it up and monies was the professional way to say it. Then she asked me to proofread a letter on the computer she had typed to the government about her tax monies and she used the damn word like, fitty times, like she expects some poor letter-reader at the IRS to go "Oh well! I was just going to throw this in the pile, but this person obviously knows what she's talking about! Monies!" So wherever she had used the word "monies" I changed to "munny" then told her it looked fine.