For those of you who don't know, I quit my job! It's been about two weeks now and nobody wants me. Not even an interview yet. But whatever! If I can just get in the door I'll get hired because I'm awesome. Getting to the interview phase is the hard part
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Ref to up there: It seems like even knowing those things (why it's traumatic and that you can talk to someone) don't always work up to closure or feeling better about these things. :\ Trauma can stick for a long time, even with counseling and even if it makes sense. And having your life threatened in a very real way is definitely not something easy (so you are not a bitchass who is easily traumatized). I'm further betting that robbery at gunpoint counts as a near death experience (since the threat was, down at the base of it, one of death--not to make it sound any worse than already, sorry!), and those pack a particular punch, amidst the world of traumas.
Your body and brain are dealing with a lot of big shit, and it's probably all tied up really tightly with work/working, and anything that reminds you of those surroundings or situations--and that leaves a lot of stuff to keep you in those feelings, at least on some subconscious level. I think it's something like. . . your brain on a structural level learned one day that getting up and going through the day and going to work where you saw a hundred harmless and familiar things led to a severe danger to your person, and that means they all now pose the danger as a possibility, remind of it. I mean, that's just the way brains work, how thinking happens, stringing together sequences that are previously learned. And that wouldn't be something easy to unlearn.
I mean, I'm not a psych, I can't promise it works that way, but it makes sense on that score that you'd still be suffering depression/anxiety over it. ::HUGS:: Well, I'm around, all right? Email or call any time you want to/can.
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