May 20, 2012 23:55
Things are happening in my life and I can say I'm pretty excited for it all to happen. I finally moved out of my apartment in Oakwood, and I now live in a house with Paris. I'm much MUCH happier here. We don't have cable so I spend my free time studying. Which is a good thing actually. This place has a way more relaxed feel to it, not the party house I used to live in.
This semester should be very interesting. I have my first OB test tomorrow. I don't really know what to expect. Guess I'll find out tomorrow.
Things with Tony are going great as well. Yesterday was 14 months. lol nothing too extravagant, but it's the best thing that has ever happened to me. It's also the longest relationship I have ever been in. lol I suck lol But now I can honestly say that I am so thankful nothing worked out with anyone else before. I couldn't imagine my life without him! I thank God each and every day for bringing us together!!
Although things are going great with me, things aren't going so well for Brian. He and Leanna are on the rocks I think. I'm just waiting for it all to be over with. Either decided you want to be together or decide to go your separate ways. I love you both, but I don't think you were meant to be together anymore. There can be two great people in a relationship, but it doesn't make it a great relationship. They just want different things out of life. It's a complicated mess, and all I can do is pray for them. I hope everything works itself out because the two of them being miserable right now isn't healthy for either of them....