3rd day of skool coming soon.

Apr 13, 2006 03:27

Just finished watching yet another sappy korean love movie.. A season for love... very touching.. teared once!

I don't mind korean movies that are sappy.. just don't give me the dramas.. they are toooooo slooooooowwwww for my liking ^^

Have so far attended two 2 lectures into my pursuit of a degree(sentence sounds wrong somehow..) and already being given two assignments due at the end of the month!!! We were told in the second lecture that every alternate week we would have a graded assigment that counts to 40% of the total grade!!

Assignments' are all about UNIX and C/C++ programming!!! DIE!!! I never touched those before in my poly life!! and Worse Still, i have opted to skip 1 and a half years of study.. so now am actually in year2, sem2 of a 3 year degree course!!! have to buck up doubly hard yo!!

Been hooked on maple story recently.. Started playing two weeks ago and now am in level 22 le.. Aspiring to be a dragon knight at the end!
Have borrowed tons of j-drama vcds from my friend but STILL have not started watching them.. wonder if i would have the time to watch them when the workload pileup starts to accelerate.

Thoughts of choosing a date to take my basic theory has been running thru my head.. Will go online tml to choose a good time around my classes to take the test.. must reserve some days to study hard for it too..

Got my philips monitor yesterday from servicing but it seems like it still doesn't work perfectly.. troubleshooted and found it to be my motherboard's AGP slot being faulty and all.. gonna go to kallang in another 11 hrs or so from now to get a 1-1 exchange since its still in its 1st year of warranty!

Thank god I made the decision to get a laptop.. Coz we would have to code in UNIX for the main bulk of our projects and being without a personal computer to work on easily would be a killer and make us so far behind the rest of the class.. (long sentence eh?)

The XBOX 360's games look simply wonderful!! I hope that the PS3 would outperform the xbox by leaps and bounds coz they have the games i want like resident evil 5, metal gear solid 4 and so on ~~~ :D~~~~~~~~~~~
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