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May 23, 2007 17:02

Lindsey's engaged!! this means i have five weddings to go to next year (provided they get married next year... it might be the year after that). woohoo! i only had one this past summer, which is good cause i doubt id be cheery enough to attend much more than that. and none this summer :(

goals for the summer (possibly in order):
1) gain weight. usually, summer is a time for me to lose way too much weight, and im often just struggling to maintain my weight. this being my first summer away from home, i want to gain weight!! (i have already had offers to take some of my friends, but sadly, there really isnt a reverse to lyposuction. and if there is, i cant really afford it).
2) read 50 books. im on #6. i usually read 30-50 books a summer. i have 15 more sitting on Peters dresser (im living in his room at verdun until at least july, with my friend James from highschool, and then moving in with Nick and Mittu, three blocks from mm, provided he can find a roommate and doesnt move), and need to sign up at the library, cause im not a fan of buying books. mostly cause i only read them once. i dont like reading them again, cause i already know the ending, and that sorta ruins it. although the word sells some for 50 cents, and im ok with that.
3) find a job. i need one that requires a bachelors of sorts so that i can get a work permit and stay in canada. however, ive found that most of what im interested in requires a masters, which, oh yeah, i was rejected from. so thats annoying. (oh, i was also rejected from the lab that i really wanted to work in). i have been offered jobs to sell life insurance, but that would require my soul, and as much as Malek thinks its a fair trade, i dont really. im looking more in nonprofit organizations, like shelters or drop-in centers. within the next few years, id like to reapply to grad school, which would allow me to either find a different job, or to do better at whatever job im ding at one of these organizations. i originally wasnt too stressed about finding a job, but im getting more stressed as more and more options are being closed to me, due to my lack of masters. highly frustrating.

my family is doing well. mama is getting me a canon g7 for my graduation gift :D things with Dad are the same. hes still with his gf. his dad (my grandpa) just died, so im going home this weekend for the memorial service. most of my memories of him consist of his being this grouchy old man in the corner, so im not terribly affected. however, theres the matter of the will... and thats just going to be messy. the kids are doing fine. Celeste (the 8-year old that i named) scored 99% on the WISC test (intelligence testings). i found out the week after that i was rejected from grad school... sorta makes me feel stupid. :P
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