You wanna feel a memory

Aug 23, 2007 21:26 today I started school. it was interesting I guess. First I left my house about an hour before my first class thinking that was enough time to get there, find the right building that I needed to be in, and find the room without feeling rushed. You'd THINK. I got to school at 10:30 and drove around the parking lot for at least 10 minutes looking for a place to park. I must have circled that thing twelve times or so. At one point it was like a parade of cars just following each other, just WAITING for someone to pull out of a spot. I was actually starting to panic because it was getting close to quarter to 11 and I still had no parking spot. Surprisingly I found one, and thats only because I watched the girl get into her car and pull out. I was nervous about trying to find the right building that I had to be in. I have a map but I can't read maps very well, but I did indeed find it and while walking to it I found the other building that I am in for my second class of the day. I actually made it to my class with a few minutes to spare.

My first professor writes big and sloppy. For some reason Macomb still uses chalk boards...very irritating and I hate it. it makes the whole process of writing things on the board go by much slower and its harder to erase things. So this guy would write a bunch of crap and then erase it...but he always missed a spot so there'd be like half of a word still left on the board and little parts of other words and he'd write over all of that. i always hated when teachers did that in elementary school when we had blackboards before the white boards. It felt like middle school all over again because he made us interview the person next to us and then after like five minutes we had to go around the classroom and tell everyone about the person we intereviewed. HOW LAME!!! The girl next to me was nice though.

We got out of class early but I didnt want to leave school and lose my sweet parking spot. I had another hour and a half though so I went to McDonalds and got something to eat and then went back and I found a different parking lot that was very empty so I parked there. I am surprised more people dont park there. Its over on the other side of the campus, by the cultural center .

My second class was business and the professor was alright. we got out of that class early too. So I got home around 3 and i was so tired I fell asleep and woke up at like five. tonight has been boring mostly, I sat around and watched ghost hunters while i was home alone and got scared, and then it started storming a little too. now im just waiting for whose line is it anyway to be on, and then i'm probably going to go to bed after everybody loves raymond. tomorrow i need to go shopping and stuff. I'll write later. ta.
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