Nov 19, 2006 18:52
Okay so something I didnt post in my last entry from last night is something else that happened. I wasnt going to write about it, but my dad is a retard so I decided to.
Alright so i'm driving to work and I'm just driving like normal in my lane, and this guy pulls out into the turning lane, with his signal on, and quite obviously he is going to get into the lane I was in after traffic was cleared. well instead of waiting for the traffic to clear like most people would, he decides to pull out RIGHT AS I'm about to pass that spot that he was pulling into. GEEZALOO. I had to break erally fast and swerve into the next lane over, and then I laid on my horn because that way, i could show how angry I was, and I could also warn other drivers that saw my car, to STOP so nobody would hit me. So I was pretty close to getting my car smashed in, also I could have gotten really hurt since he was right at my drivers side.
So today I was telling this story to my dad, and instead of being like OH MY GOD I'm so happy youre okay! he goes on this rampage about how I shouldnt beep at people on the road because people have such bad road rage and this guy was probably on drugs, and had a gun and he'd shoot me for beeping at him.
yeah okay.