Mar 25, 2004 22:56
I just have a few random things to say then I think I'm gonna go to bed... early for me, I know. I need it, though.
- Eric should be bowing down to me because I just did all the history that like no one did and sent it to him. I know. I'm so fxcking generous it scares me. LoL :D
- I'm getting a new laptop! Even though I got this one in December. LoL It was my mom's old one. Its being sloooow though so they're buying me a new one. YAY!
- I wanna get to bed early tonight and I'm done with everything. I just don't think its humany possible for me to fall asleep at 11. Haha.
- I don't really know what I'm doing this weekend but I do know Amanda and I need more clothes for when we go to the Atlantis.
- I should go tanning like twice before I go away. My mom, having been a nurse, is like "I need to see what its about... if its healthy... blah blah" LoL
- For my Sour 17 (because my Sweet 16 was only a few people in the city)... I'm gonna have a luau in my backyard and put a DJ on the tennis court. I think it'll be really cool, different, and tons of fun. Lets just make sure it doesnt rain! Haha.
- Oh... I really need to see Chris in Pippin on Saturday cause, well, he's Pippin. LoL. I can't forget that.
- Undefeated in that weird new school volleyball tournament! Wooo! :D
- Surveys show that people who leave me notes are extremely sexy and more sucessful in life. LOL :]
<3 Rae