just two more days (plus tests LoL)

Jun 09, 2004 15:00

Thats right kids.. just two more days. Woo hoo! I can NOT believe I am going to be a senior. And I'ma be visiting colleges this summer. Oh boy.

Well today was... really hot. Gross. Bleh. ;\ History and Gov is always the grossly hot class so Glotzer brought us to the library instead cause its AC-ed. OMG. That was a treat. Gym actually wasnt too bad considering the weather. Oh, does anyone know whats going on with the senior pranks? or lack there of? LoL I came in before 2nd today because I didnt bother going to study hall and Nick checked my bag before I entered the school. LoL. Stupid snr prank security. Haha.

Chorus was pretty sticky and Ms Blank, for some reason, had like madd food she was giving out. Shes like, "DONT LEAVE UNLESS YOU FINISH THIS", like screaming to the glass. Geez. Lmfao. Someone gets cranky with the heat? Mhm. LoL. I started signing Cris's yearbook, which is gonna take forever. I got molested by Mike. What else is new? Watched him molest Amanda Angel. Again what else is knew? LoL Listened to Cris and Mara go on about Harry Potter. LoL. Nuff said. Oh and this kid TJ was standing next to me and Clurr and randomly goes, "I hate that girl over there!... in the pink skirt.. ugh look" I turn around to see, who, but Sara. Wow. That was amusing. I was like, "Why" and he just said something like shes annoying or whatever. LoL. Buahaha. -refrains from 'shit talking'- ;x

Which, by the way, leads me to my summer job. Jim asked me if I wanted to PA Little Shop of Horrors that hes doing somewhere in Nyack. I accepted because I had a blast PAing Guys and Dolls last year. And... last night, he called, and said Sara is choreographer. He asked if I have a problem with it. I said, "Honestly, I don't. Its a working environment and I'm gonna respect it as a relationship in that sense" Sooo, that should be interesting. ;]

Anywhore, I have to go shower because my hair doesn't look as good as I want it to and I'm going to Amanda's 8th grade Grad. She's singing!! ;D Awww. I'm so excited. I wonder how many people are gonna pass out from no AC in the auditorium. LoL.

Later masturbator (LOL learned it from Mike)
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