May 14, 2005 22:44
okk soo... lemme update on the week umm we had an assembly and got to pick our busses this field trip is gunna be the shit all these planning assemblys have gotten me all excited like. bus fo fasho! YE BITCH! umm career day was okk monday yearbooks! jes! okk so today i went to a show it was kikass! fuking crazy dude... got this singer to sign my shoe! jes! michael and mechy <33 **humphump** I GOT A RING! it was supa-cute... (yes andy i know yu reed my lj, so thanks it was adorable...this is for you) D.O.S. FUKING RAWKS! GO GET THEIR BAND NAME TATTOOD ON YUR PENIS! i <3 the drummer!!!!!!!! ....okay so. tommorrow me and michelle and andy and some othaaassss are going to ze mol kk well whatev to tha er... lata niglets