☆ sixth | voice

May 20, 2010 23:22

There's. . .

[ Little puffs, ragged and out of breath. ]

There's a body-just past the barracks. . . off the path towards the mountains. He's dead, but I'd. . . appreciate if someone could take him into town.

To everyone who's suffered a loss, I'm so sorry.

[ A small pause. ]

Link. . . ?

[ ooc | Forward-dated a number of hours after the fight ( Read more... )

*voice, gambled and lost, the stars of holy wars, continue beatings until morale improves, o please brood moar, possibly hearing things, little beansprout of rage, level of mercy is over 9000, yeah okay that's a lot of injuries, well-adjusted in every way

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[action] outwalks May 21 2010, 04:35:45 UTC
[ He's on the less-traveled parts of the path, Innocence deactivated to a red-marked arm and still collapsed. It looks as if he may have been there for a while. Slightly bloody, but he's wearing a uniform-black hides most bloodstains. His eyes are shut, though he stirs slightly when he hears something coming. ]

. . . Link?


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[action] outwalks May 22 2010, 01:57:19 UTC
[ Silence is taken as assent. After a moment, she might hear him mumbling. ]

. . . haven't missed anything, Link. Central. . . He'll come back. All I-. . . didn't change anything.


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[action] outwalks May 22 2010, 02:44:14 UTC
[ CELTY used POKE! . . . it's not very effective. . .

It takes a moment or two, but eventually Allen inhales and opens his eyes. And, you know, dark hair and light hair alike can be mistaken for a lot of things, but there's only one woman in a helmet in Luceti. ]

. . . Miss Celty?


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[action] outwalks May 22 2010, 03:13:06 UTC
[ Allen blinks fuzzily at the screen, but seems to nod. He's being pliant, at least. ]


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[action] - 1/2 outwalks May 22 2010, 04:22:09 UTC
[ He's still a little out of it at first, but it's hard to miss that sort of great change. His eyes refocus, and. . . ]


[action] outwalks May 22 2010, 04:22:33 UTC
[ -aksldgja;lsdkg, what. What. ]


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[action] outwalks May 22 2010, 04:47:38 UTC
[ . . . Well, it doesn't seem to be threatening. . .

This is Allen holding tight. ]


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[action] outwalks May 22 2010, 06:01:04 UTC
[ Surprisingly, Allen doesn't drift off. Maybe it's the unusual ride-or, more likely, he's pondering something again. ]


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