Title: Late Night Comfort
outuendo_11Rating: PG
Show: Orange is the new Black
Pairing: Alex/Nicky, Alex/Piper
Synopsis: Nicky comforts Alex after the inmates find out about Piper's confrontation.
Spoilers: you should definitely watch the whole series just in case!
A/N: There should be more fanfiction! I'm so in love with this show it's crazy. Also this is my first time posting from my silly iPad so I hope it works. Please R&R and hopefully there will be more from me and I'm hoping more from others too!!!
Nicky found her way to Alex's bunk in the dim lighting of the night. It was a rare occasion that the guard fell asleep at his post, but on her way to the bathroom in the early morning she'd noticed that Officer Chastain was asleep in the guard room. Taking advantage of the situation, Nicky slinked in to the cubicle only to discover that her fellow inmate was awake and watching, through blurred vision, as she padded her way to the bed.
The blanket was lifted silently and Nicky slid quietly in to the warm recesses. Her fingers moved upwards, wiping at the tears that slid down Alex's cheeks, leaning forward to kiss warm dampness. "How'd you know it was me?" She whispered in to Alex's ear as the taller woman wrapped herself around the redhead's body, pulling them close together.
"Who can miss that hair?" Alex whispered against Nicky's ear, kissing her earlobe before moving downwards to kiss her neck.
Nicky laughed silently and tangled her fingers in Alex's long, dark hair. It was so soft and smooth. "Hey, she did what she had to do."
Alex sighed and ceased her kisses. "Twenty blows to the head seems a bit excessive. This prison is so fucked up. The whole system is fucked up."
Nicky pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. "Promise me you're not gonna do something stupid."
"Well I don't wanna end up in deep shit but we're so fucked Nicky."
"Then let us be fucked." Nicky rolled her eyes, her hands caressing Alex gently.
Alex glanced up, catching Nicky's eye. "It was my fault."
Nicky frowned. "Fuck no it wasn't. Regardless of what happened early on, Piper could have kept her in pshyc and she wouldn't be in this fucking mess."
Alex shrugged and buried herself further in to Nicky. They were silent for a long time, both in deep contemplation and reflection.
Alex finally sighed and lifted her head to kiss Nicky properly. "Thank you for being here."
Nicky shrugged and smiled in the darkness. "It's not a big deal."
"I wish you could stay." Alex's grasp tightened on the younger woman, causing Nicky's stomach to knot up in happiness.
Tomorrow. In the chapel. Before breakfast." Nicky whispered and pressed their lips together again befoe slipping out of the bed. She checked to make sure Officer Chastain was still asleep before righting herself entirely and making her way back to her own bunk. When she got back to her own bed, she curled up in to a ball and imagined that Alex was still in her arms. How fucked she was to believe that Alex would ever give her the time of day when and if Piper ever came back.