Well, i've just finished the angst-o-matic project, aka the adolescent psychology evaluation. it currently sits around eleven pages. I'm going to try not to touch it between now and Wednesday when it's due to be handed in. If i do, it'll probably end up something close to 15 pages, and the teacher said the longest he'd accept is 13. This is probably being overgenerous on his part since the project was targeted to be between 7-10 pages.
My classmates in clinical decided we were gonna do a take home exam. On which i'm of two minds.
- YEAH!! I'm gonna have not turn it in to get anything less than a high 90 range score.
- Oh Fuck. I hate take home exams, i spend more time doing them than i would studying for and taking an in class exam.
Oh yes, and i still have to teach myself stats by tuesday. Yippie!